Van Deer PRO + Plate R22 WC + SPX 12 GW

1.499,00 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten



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  • T1617820201
Der PRO bietet alles, was du brauchst, um echtes Renn-Feeling zu erleben: präzisen Kantengriff,... mehr
Produktinformationen "PRO + Plate R22 WC + SPX 12 GW"

Der PRO bietet alles, was du brauchst, um echtes Renn-Feeling zu erleben: präzisen Kantengriff, hohe Stabilität, starke Beschleunigung und Top-Speed, um deine Schwünge kompromisslos im Schnee zu ziehen. Dieser Ski wird mit denselben Materialien und in der exakt gleichen Bauweise gefertigt wie unsere World Cup Ski. Den ultimativen Härtetest hat er schon bestanden: Marcel Hirscher hat den PRO mitentwickelt, höchstpersönlich freigegeben und dafür gesorgt, dass er ein standesgemäßes manuelles Race Room-Tuning bekommt. Damit du das Beste aus Dir rausholen kannst, von der ersten bis zur letzten Kurve.

164  18
174  21
181  21
185  25
189  28

164  105,5
174  105,5
181  107
185  106
189  103

164  68
174  65
181  68
185  68
189  68

164  90,5
174  90
181  92
185  91
189  88

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Marcel Hirscher, der legendäre österreichische Skirennläufer und Rekordweltmeister, ist... mehr
Hersteller "Van Deer"


Marcel Hirscher, der legendäre österreichische Skirennläufer und Rekordweltmeister, ist nicht nur ein Name im Skisport, sondern auch ein Synonym für höchste Qualität und Leistung auf der Piste. Bei Sport Gardena finden Sie eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Van Deer Ski, welche von Marcel Hirscher persönlich mitentwickelt wurde. Diese Ski bieten nicht nur herausragende Performance, sondern sind auch ein Statement für Ihren unverwechselbaren Stil auf der Piste.

H-POWER + R22 WC + SPX 12 GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3086 [articleDetailsID] => 34285 [ordernumber] => T1617940301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Der H-POWER ist ein Performance-Pistenski, mit dem du bei harten und schnellen Bedingungen noch besser fährst. Er ist von Marcel persönlich freigegeben und vollgepackt mit Weltcup-Technik sowie einer guten Portion Spaß. Ein Carver, der nicht anspruchsvoll zu fahren ist,  aber wie ein reinrassiger Rennski greift und performt und somit Selbstvertrauen ohne Ende gibt. Der H-POWER wurde für schnelle, kurze Slalomschwünge mit maximalem Kantengriff entwickelt, damit du dich wie ein Weltcupstar fühlst, wenn du morgens deine Runden auf der frisch präparierten Piste drehst. Mit hochsportlichen 67 mm Mittelbreite ist er sehr agil und drehfreudig und gleichzeitig besonders stabil dank etwas geringerer Taillierung und mehr Länge im Vergleich zum SL WC-Modell. Zwei Lagen Titanal in Kombination mit einem Eschen-/Pappelholzkern sorgen für Kraftübertragung à la Hirscher. Willkommen in der Welt des Skifahrens von VAN DEER-Red Bull Sports!

154  10
161  10,5
168  13




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Marcel Hirscher, der legendäre österreichische Skirennläufer und Rekordweltmeister, ist nicht nur ein Name im Skisport, sondern auch ein Synonym für höchste Qualität und Leistung auf der Piste. Bei Sport Gardena finden Sie eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Van Deer Ski, welche von Marcel Hirscher persönlich mitentwickelt wurde. Diese Ski bieten nicht nur herausragende Performance, sondern sind auch ein Statement für Ihren unverwechselbaren Stil auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 61 [supplierID] => 70 [dato_easy_id] => 308 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 16600 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 8812 [imageID] => 136082 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1617940301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3086 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3086&number=T1617940301 ) 1
Van Deer H-POWER + R22 WC + SPX 12 GW
1.499,00 € *
Freeride 98 + Strive 16 MN
Array ( [articleID] => 3773 [articleDetailsID] => 41405 [ordernumber] => T4YM24U0101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Erleben Sie grenzenlose Freiheit mit dem Van Deer FREERIDE 98! Dieser Ski ist speziell für leidenschaftliche Freerider entwickelt, die sowohl im Powder als auch auf festem Untergrund maximale Performance suchen. Mit einer Breite von 98 mm unter der Bindung und einer innovativen Konstruktion bietet der FREERIDE 98 exzellenten Auftrieb im Tiefschnee und eine stabile Fahrt auf allen Schneeverhältnissen. Die Mischung aus Leichtigkeit und Stabilität sorgt für ein dynamisches Fahrgefühl und perfekte Kontrolle bei jeder Abfahrt. Der ideale Begleiter für Abenteuer abseits der Piste!

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=> Array ( [3526] => Array ( [optionID] => 3526 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black Sand [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3089 [optionID] => 3526 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black sand ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24U0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3773 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Van Deer [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 70 [supplierDescription] =>


Marcel Hirscher, der legendäre österreichische Skirennläufer und Rekordweltmeister, ist nicht nur ein Name im Skisport, sondern auch ein Synonym für höchste Qualität und Leistung auf der Piste. Bei Sport Gardena finden Sie eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Van Deer Ski, welche von Marcel Hirscher persönlich mitentwickelt wurde. Diese Ski bieten nicht nur herausragende Performance, sondern sind auch ein Statement für Ihren unverwechselbaren Stil auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 61 [supplierID] => 70 [dato_easy_id] => 308 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1429,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1429 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23716 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => png [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14433 [imageID] => 181997 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1429,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1429 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM24U0101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3773 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3773&number=T4YM24U0101 ) 1
Van Deer Freeride 98 + Strive 16 MN
1.429,00 € *
Laser WRT PRO + WRT D20+ WRT12GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3753 [articleDetailsID] => 41142 [ordernumber] => T4YM24A0101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Stöckli Laser WRT Pro – Top Sportlicher Multiturn-Ski

Dieser top sportliche Multiturn-Ski ist ein wahres Meisterwerk. Er vereint die Agilität eines Slalomskis mit der Stabilität eines Riesenslalomskis. Gespickt mit Features aus dem Rennsport und seinem exklusiven Design, ist er ein absolutes Must-have. Das Aluminium oberhalb des Fiberglases und die etwas breitere Geometrie sorgen für noch mehr Grip und Stabilität in den Kurven und perfekte Laufruhe auch bei höchstem Tempo. Erlebe Perfektion und höchste Performance in jedem einzelnen Schwung auf der Piste.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen: 158, 166, 172, 180 cm
  • Dimensionen (mm): 67-101-67
  • Radien (m): 12.3 (158 cm), 13.7 (166 cm), 14.8 (172 cm), 16.0 (180 cm)
  • Base Bevel: 1.0°
  • Side Bevel: 2.0°
[esd] => [articleName] => Laser WRT PRO + WRT D20+ WRT12GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-17 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.06 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 24KPRO2 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 41500 [articleID] => 3753 [articledetailsID] => 41142 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] 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[isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [585] => Array ( [optionID] => 585 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 158 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 160 [optionID] => 585 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_158 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24A0401 ) ) ) ) [786] => Array ( [optionID] => 786 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 166 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 361 [optionID] => 786 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_166 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24A0101 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24A0201 ) ) ) ) [904] => Array ( [optionID] => 904 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 178 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 478 [optionID] => 904 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_178 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24A0301 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [584] => Array ( [optionID] => 584 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => White/Red [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 159 [optionID] => 584 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_white/red ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24A0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3753 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1869,00 [pseudoprice] => 2078,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1869 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 2078 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23689 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1869,00 [pseudoprice] => 2078,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.06 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1869 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 2078 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM24A0101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3753 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3753&number=T4YM24A0101 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser WRT PRO + WRT D20+ WRT12GW
1.869,00 € * 2.078,00 € *
Hero Elite MT CA K NX12
Array ( [articleID] => 3817 [articleDetailsID] => 41816 [ordernumber] => T4YM2CS0301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Rossignol Hero Elite MT CA Konect – Unisex Rennski

Die Rossignol Hero Elite MT CA Konect-Ski sind für leidenschaftliche Pistenfahrer und Wettkampf-Liebhaber gemacht. Inspiriert von Renntechnologie bieten diese Skier eine außergewöhnliche Stabilität und Kontrolle dank der Line Control Technology (LCT). Die Carbon-Verstärkungen und die vielseitige Taillierung mit 74 mm unter der Bindung sorgen für ein optimales Gleichgewicht zwischen Geschwindigkeit, Präzision und Leistung, ideal für eine Vielzahl von Schwüngen. Mit dem Hero Elite MT CA bist du bereit, deine Skifähigkeiten auf das nächste Level zu heben.


  • Line Control Technology (LCT): Verhindert Gegenbiegung für maximale Stabilität und präzise Kontrolle.
  • Carbon-Verstärkungen: Bieten zusätzliche Steifigkeit und Kraftübertragung für Renn-Performance.
  • Vielseitige Taillierung: Perfekt für enge und weite Schwünge, für eine dynamische Fahrt auf präparierten Pisten.
  • NX 12 Bindung: Sorgt für eine sichere und präzise Kraftübertragung.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen (cm): 153, 159, 167, 175, 183
  • Spitzenbreite (mm): 124
  • Taillenbreite (mm): 74
  • Heckbreite (mm): 109
  • Radius (m): 12 (bei 153 cm), 13 (bei 159 cm), 14 (bei 167 cm), 15 (bei 175 cm), 16 (bei 183 cm)
  • Gewicht (kg pro Paar): 1,65 (bei 153 cm), 1,7 (bei 159 cm), 1,75 (bei 167 cm), 1,85 (bei 175 cm), 1,9 (bei 183 cm)
[esd] => [articleName] => Hero Elite MT CA K NX12 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 9 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-22 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 22 [float] => 22.33 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => RRNPM01 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42174 [articleID] => 3817 [articledetailsID] => 41816 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => 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[isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [582] => Array ( [optionID] => 582 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 153 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 157 [optionID] => 582 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_153 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2CS0201 ) ) ) ) [583] => Array ( [optionID] => 583 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 159 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 158 [optionID] => 583 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_159 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2CS0301 ) ) ) ) [913] => Array ( [optionID] => 913 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 167 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 487 [optionID] => 913 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_167 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2CS0401 ) ) ) ) [641] => Array ( [optionID] => 641 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 175 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 216 [optionID] => 641 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_175 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2CS0501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [579] => Array ( [optionID] => 579 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Red/Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 154 [optionID] => 579 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_red/black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2CS0201 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3817 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Rossignol [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 41 [supplierDescription] =>

Tauchen Sie in die Welt des Wintersports mit der erstklassigen Ski- und Skischuhkollektion von Rossignol ein. Ob Sie online einkaufen oder eine persönliche Beratung im Geschäft vor Ort bevorzugen, Rossignol garantiert unübertroffene Qualität und Performance für jedes Abenteuer auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 31 [supplierID] => 41 [dato_easy_id] => 72 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 699,00 [pseudoprice] => 900,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 699 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 900 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23674 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14383 [imageID] => 181744 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 699,00 [pseudoprice] => 900,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 22 [float] => 22.33 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 699 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 900 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM2CS0301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3817 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3817&number=T4YM2CS0301 ) 1
Rossignol Hero Elite MT CA K NX12
699,00 € * 900,00 € *
Racetiger GS + RMOTION3 12 GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3898 [articleDetailsID] => 42539 [ordernumber] => T4YM2DD0201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Völkl Racetiger GS

Seit 1970 als Rennski eingeführt, verkörpert der Völkl Racetiger GS Leistung und Erfolg wie kein anderes Modell. Für Skifahrer, die superschnelle, lange Schwünge mit viel Druck auf den Kanten lieben, gibt es keine bessere Wahl. Der Racetiger GS ist mit Tailored Carbon Tips ausgestattet, die maßgeschneiderten Carbonfasern ermöglichen eine präzise Kraftverteilung und garantieren eine herausragende Kontrolle und Stabilität bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten.

Dank des kurzen, flachen Tip-Rockers und der schmalen Taille ermöglicht der GS schnelle Richtungswechsel und ein dynamisches, präzises Fahrgefühl. Mit einem Radius von bis zu 18,6 m und einer Länge von 183 cm bietet dieser Ski herausragende Stabilität und Kontrolle bei jeder Abfahrt.


  • Längen: 168 cm, 173 cm, 178 cm, 183 cm
  • Sidecut (Spitze-Waist-Heck):
    • 115 mm - 67 mm - 98 mm
  • Radius:
    • 168 cm: 15,4 m
    • 173 cm: 16,4 m
    • 178 cm: 17,5 m
    • 183 cm: 18,6 m
  • Gewicht (ohne Bindung): 3020 g bis 3200 g (je nach Länge)
  • Rocker: Tip Rocker
  • Kern: Multilayer Woodcore
  • Base: P-Tex 4504
[esd] => [articleName] => Racetiger GS + RMOTION3 12 GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-10-03 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 15 [float] => 15.1 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => V2411002.200 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42897 [articleID] => 3898 [articledetailsID] => 42539 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] 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0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Völkl [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 29 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecken Sie die hochwertige Vielfalt der Völkl Skis - exzellente Qualität trifft auf innovative Technologie. Egal ob Anfänger oder Profi, hier finden Sie das perfekte Modell. Jetzt online bequem bestellen oder in unserem Geschäft vor Ort persönlich beraten lassen und sofort mitnehmen!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 27 [supplierID] => 29 [dato_easy_id] => 87 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 849,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 849 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23742 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 849,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 15 [float] => 15.1 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 849 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM2DD0201 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3898 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3898&number=T4YM2DD0201 ) 1
Völkl Racetiger GS + RMOTION3 12 GW
849,00 € * 1.000,00 € *
Laser WRT + WRT D20+ WRT12GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3756 [articleDetailsID] => 41155 [ordernumber] => T4YM24P0201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Stöckli Laser WRT – Rennski mit höchster Präzision

Der Laser WRT vereint die Rennsport-DNA in einem Ski. High-End-Technologien aus dem Rennsport setzen diesen Ski von anderen ab. Carbon Power Turn bietet unglaubliche Beschleunigung beim Verlassen der Kurve, während Carbon Steering Control für ein Gefühl sorgt, als wäre man auf Schienen – selbst bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten. Diese perfekte Kombination aus Slalom- und Riesenslalomski bietet dir maximale Präzision und unvergleichliche Power, wenn du deine Schwünge in frisch präparierte Pisten ziehst.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen: 158, 166, 172, 177 cm
  • Dimensionen (mm): 67-101
  • Radien (m): 12.3 (158 cm), 13.7 (166 cm), 14.8 (172 cm), 16.0 (177 cm)
  • Base Bevel: 1.0°
  • Side Bevel: 2.0°
[esd] => [articleName] => Laser WRT + WRT D20+ WRT12GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-17 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 24KWRT02 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 41513 [articleID] => 3756 [articledetailsID] => 41155 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => 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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24P0401 ) ) ) ) [786] => Array ( [optionID] => 786 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 166 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 361 [optionID] => 786 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_166 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24P0101 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24P0201 ) ) ) ) [904] => Array ( [optionID] => 904 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 178 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 478 [optionID] => 904 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_178 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24P0301 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [584] => Array ( [optionID] => 584 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => White/Red [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 159 [optionID] => 584 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_white/red ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24P0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3756 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1669,00 [pseudoprice] => 1856,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1669 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1856 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23695 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1669,00 [pseudoprice] => 1856,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1669 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1856 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM24P0201 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3756 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3756&number=T4YM24P0201 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser WRT + WRT D20+ WRT12GW
1.669,00 € * 1.856,00 € *
Array ( [articleID] => 3754 [articleDetailsID] => 41146 [ordernumber] => T4YM24F0101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Stöckli WRT Pro Marco Odermatt Edition + WRT12 Bindungen

Entdecken Sie den neuesten Laser WRT PRO Marco Odermatt Ski bei uns und sichern Sie sich Ihre exklusive Vorbestellung! Dieses Modell wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gesamtweltcupsieger und Doppelweltmeister Marco Odermatt entwickelt und basiert auf dem bekannten Laser WRT Pro. Es bietet kraftvolle, schnelle und präzise Performance mit Technologien direkt aus dem Rennsport.


  • Solid Metal Edge: Breitere Kanten erhöhen die Stabilität und die Lebensdauer, ideal für Verleihservice und intensiven Einsatz.
  • Full Edge Contact: Die verlängerten Kontaktpunkte der Kanten bieten besseren Grip und Kontrolle auf der Piste.
  • Titanal Technology Pro: Die neue Schutzschicht auf den Titanalflächen sorgt für extreme Widerstandsfähigkeit und Schutz.
  • Carbon Power Turn: Bereit für explosive Beschleunigung? Die Carbonfasern ermöglichen maximale Leistung bei jedem Schwung.
  • Racing Sidewalls Black: Härtere Seitenwangen aus Phenol mit Carbon bieten stabilere und präzisere Kurvenwechsel.
  • Race Base: Dank des höheren Carbonanteils im Belag gleitest du wie ein Profi auf jedem Schnee.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen: 158 cm, 166cm, 172 cm, 180 cm
  • Radien: 
[esd] => [articleName] => Laser WRT PRO ODERMATT + WRT D20+ WRT12 GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 0 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-17 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.09 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 24KPRODER2 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 41504 [articleID] => 3754 [articledetailsID] => 41146 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] 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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [585] => Array ( [optionID] => 585 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 158 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 160 [optionID] => 585 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_158 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24F0101 ) ) ) ) [786] => Array ( [optionID] => 786 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 166 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 361 [optionID] => 786 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_166 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24F0201 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24F0301 ) ) ) ) [904] => Array ( [optionID] => 904 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 178 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 478 [optionID] => 904 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_178 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24F0401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [584] => Array ( [optionID] => 584 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => White/Red [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 159 [optionID] => 584 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_white/red ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24F0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3754 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1969,00 [pseudoprice] => 2190,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1969 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 2190 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23691 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14425 [imageID] => 181777 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1969,00 [pseudoprice] => 2190,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.09 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1969 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 2190 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM24F0101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3754 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3754&number=T4YM24F0101 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser WRT PRO ODERMATT + WRT D20+ WRT12 GW
1.969,00 € * 2.190,00 € *
Firebird WRC + XCELL 14 Demo
Array ( [articleID] => 3217 [articleDetailsID] => 35630 [ordernumber] => T1646030301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Wenn es auf den Skipisten Überholspuren gäbe, sind wir uns sicher, dass wir dich dort finden würden, während du bis zum letzten Liftlauf perfekte, kontrollierte Kurven ziehst. Deshalb haben wir bei der Entwicklung des Firebird WRC genau an dich gedacht. Es handelt sich um Carving-Ski für weite Riesenslalom-ähnliche Kurven, entworfen mit einem Wettkampferbe für den festesten, schnellsten Schnee. Gefertigt mit der revolutionären Carbon C-Spine Technologie und ausgestattet mit Carbon Armor, ermöglicht der Firebird WRC sehr weite, vollständig kontrollierte Kurven bei hoher Geschwindigkeit. Schnall dir ein Paar Firebird WRC an und rase mit beispielloser Präzision die Pisten hinunter.


[esd] => [articleName] => Firebird WRC + XCELL 14 Demo [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-10 [update] => 2023-10-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 8A3323FB [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35923 [articleID] => 3217 [articledetailsID] => 35630 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646030301 ) ) ) ) [641] => Array ( [optionID] => 641 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 175 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 216 [optionID] => 641 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_175 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646030401 ) ) ) ) [642] => Array ( [optionID] => 642 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 180 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 217 [optionID] => 642 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_180 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646030501 ) ) ) ) [875] => Array ( [optionID] => 875 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 185 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 449 [optionID] => 875 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_185 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646030601 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [600] => Array ( [optionID] => 600 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Orange [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 175 [optionID] => 600 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_orange ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646030301 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3217 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Blizzard [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 9 [supplierDescription] =>

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Blizzard Ski, in der innovative Technologie und Rennsport-Performance aufeinandertreffen. Kaufen Sie online in unserem Shop und erkunden Sie unsere sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion, oder erleben Sie persönlich in unserem Geschäft höchste Qualität und professionelle Beratung. Ob online kaufen oder vor Ort - Ihr außergewöhnliches Winterabenteuer beginnt mit dem perfekten Ski!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 5 [supplierID] => 9 [dato_easy_id] => 179 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1100,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1100 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17668 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1100,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1100 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1646030301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3217 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3217&number=T1646030301 ) 1
Blizzard Firebird WRC + XCELL 14 Demo
1.100,00 € *
Pink Original + Plate + Bindung VSP310
Array ( [articleID] => 3198 [articleDetailsID] => 35542 [ordernumber] => T1641140101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Ich bin dein Charmeur.

Ob kurze Swings, weite Kurven, energisches Carven oder sanftes Gleiten – ich bin für alles bereit und biete dir Sicherheit sowie Stabilität auf jeder Abfahrt. Mit mir kannst du auch ordentlich Gas geben! Und das mit Vergnügen...

Ich werde dir alle Wünsche von den Augen ablesen.

Trau dich, PINK zu sein.

Schaufel / Mitte / Ende:
120 / 67 / 101 mm

Länge / Radius
146 / 9,9
152 / 10,8
158 / 11,6
164 / 12,5


[esd] => [articleName] => Pink Original + Plate + Bindung VSP310 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-05 [update] => 2023-12-20 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35835 [articleID] => 3198 [articledetailsID] => 35542 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [604] => Array ( [optionID] => 604 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 146 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 179 [optionID] => 604 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_146 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641140101 ) ) ) ) [603] => Array ( [optionID] => 603 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 152 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 178 [optionID] => 603 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_152 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641140201 ) ) ) ) [585] => Array ( [optionID] => 585 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 158 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 160 [optionID] => 585 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_158 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641140301 ) ) ) ) [519] => Array ( [optionID] => 519 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 164 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 94 [optionID] => 519 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_164 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641140401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [507] => Array ( [optionID] => 507 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Pink [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 82 [optionID] => 507 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_pink ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641140101 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 17678 [position] => [source] => [description] => ak-original-pink-q [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3198 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => AK Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 1 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Welt der AK Skier bei Sport Gardena, wo Spitzenqualität auf stilvolles Design trifft. Entdecken Sie unsere ausgewählte Kollektion online und genießen Sie das bequeme Shopping-Erlebnis von zu Hause aus, oder besuchen Sie uns vor Ort, um die erstklassige Verarbeitung und das außergewöhnliche Design unserer Skier hautnah zu erleben. Ob Online-Kauf mit schnellem Versand oder persönliche Beratung vor Ort in unserem Geschäft - Ihr herausragendes Wintersporterlebnis beginnt mit einem AK Ski!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [supplierID] => 1 [dato_easy_id] => 129 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1649,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1649 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17678 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 10873 [imageID] => 144080 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1649,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1649 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1641140101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3198 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3198&number=T1641140101 ) 1
AK Ski Pink Original + Plate + Bindung VSP310
1.649,00 € *
Men's Custom X Camber
Array ( [articleID] => 3919 [articleDetailsID] => 42684 [ordernumber] => T1800120501 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>



Kurze Beschreibung:
Präzision und Power für anspruchsvolle Fahrer.

Detailierte Produktbeschreibung:
Das Men's Burton Custom X Snowboard ist für die anspruchsvollsten Fahrer konzipiert und bietet durch präzises Design und kraftvolle Leistung die ideale Mischung aus Präzision und Power. Dieses hochleistungsfähige Board mit carbonverstärktem Flex und symmetrischem Twin-Flex inspiriert zu Geschwindigkeit und der Freiheit, Neues zu erkunden. Der Camber ist perfekt für kraftvolle Turns und dynamische Präzision, mit gleichmäßiger Gewichtsverteilung für kontinuierliche Kantenkontrolle von Spitze bis Tail.


  • Directional Shape: Klassische Snowboard-Form mit einer leicht längeren Nose für konzentrierten Pop im Tail, ideal für Auftrieb, Flow und Kontrolle auf jedem Terrain.
  • Camber Bend: Ermöglicht kraftvolle Turns und lebendige Präzision, mit einer lebhaften Federung und gleichmäßiger Gewichtsverteilung für fließende, kontinuierliche Kantenkontrolle.
  • Twin Flex: Symmetrisch von Spitze bis Tail für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, vielseitig sowohl für regulär als auch für switch.
  • Dragonfly 600G Kern mit Multizone EGD: Verwendet Holzfasern in den Aufprallzonen für geringeres Gewicht ohne Einbußen an Stabilität.
  • 45° Carbon Highlights High Voltage Fiberglas: Optimiert jede Schicht mit einer durchgehenden Kohlefaser-Schicht, um das Gewicht zu reduzieren und die Torsionsflexibilität zu verbessern.
  • WFO Base: Speziell entwickelte Wachsmischung für extreme Langlebigkeit, ideal für den Einsatz über die gesamte Saison hinweg in jeder Bedingung.
  • The Channel® Board Mount: Entwickelt für perfekte Standanpassungen und kompatibel mit allen gängigen Bindungen.
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[dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [574] => Array ( [optionID] => 574 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 154 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 149 [optionID] => 574 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_154 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => 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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1800120401 ) ) ) ) [585] => Array ( [optionID] => 585 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 158 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 160 [optionID] => 585 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_158 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1800120501 ) ) ) ) [3633] => Array ( [optionID] => 3633 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 158w [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3196 [optionID] => 3633 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_158w ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1800120601 ) ) ) ) [784] => Array ( [optionID] => 784 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 162 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 359 [optionID] => 784 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_162 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1800120701 ) ) ) ) [3634] => Array ( [optionID] => 3634 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 162w [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3197 [optionID] => 3634 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_162w ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1800120801 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [3637] => Array ( [optionID] => 3637 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => No Color [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3200 [optionID] => 3637 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_no color ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1800120201 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3919 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Burton [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 79 [supplierDescription] =>

Burton – Premium Snowboarding bei Sport Gardena

Burton steht für Spitzenqualität und Innovation im Snowboarding. Seit über 40 Jahren prägt die Marke den Sport und bietet Snowboards, Bindungen, Boots und technische Bekleidung auf höchstem Niveau. Ob All-Mountain, Freestyle oder Powder – Burton-Produkte garantieren herausragende Performance und langlebige Materialien für jeden Fahrstil.

Bei Sport Gardena findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion der neuesten Burton-Produkte. Unser Team unterstützt dich mit fachkundiger Beratung, um die perfekte Ausrüstung für dein Niveau und Terrain zu finden. Entdecke die Faszination von Burton und starte bestens ausgestattet in die neue Snowboard-Saison!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 76 [supplierID] => 79 [dato_easy_id] => 109 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 880,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 880 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23863 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 1500 [height] => 1500 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14452 [imageID] => 182375 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 880,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 880 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1800120501 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3919 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3919&number=T1800120501 ) 1
Burton Men's Custom X Camber
880,00 € *
Men's Custom Camber
Array ( [articleID] => 3913 [articleDetailsID] => 42648 [ordernumber] => T1649400502 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>



Kurze Beschreibung:
Spritzig, vielseitig und spaßig.

Detailierte Produktbeschreibung:
Von seinen bescheidenen Anfängen an hat Innovation die Burton Custom Snowboard-Serie geprägt und sie zur beliebtesten, vielseitigsten und meistkopierten Snowboard-Serie gemacht. Seit 1996 kombiniert diese Ikone bewährtes Design mit modernen Materialien, um ein leichtes, spritziges und sehr vielseitiges Board zu schaffen. Für Stabilität und Präzision ist das Custom Camber die erste Wahl vieler Burton Pro-Fahrer.


  • Directional Shape: Klassische Snowboard-Form, mit einer leicht längeren Nose als Tail für mehr Pop im Tail und viel Auftrieb, Flow und Kontrolle, um jedes Terrain zu meistern.
  • Camber Bend: Erlaubt kraftvolle Turns und präzisen Pop mit lebendiger Federung und gleichmäßiger Gewichtsverteilung für fließende, kontinuierliche Kantenkontrolle.
  • Twin Flex: Symmetrisch von Spitze bis Tail für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, vielseitig sowohl für regulär als auch für switch.
  • Super Fly II 700G Core: Verwendet stärkere und leichtere Hölzer für mehr Pop und Stabilität bei reduziertem Gewicht.
  • Dualzone EGD: Speziell positioniertes Holz entlang der Zehen- und Fersenkanten für besseren Kantenhalt, Reaktion und Stabilität.
  • 45° Carbon Highlights Fiberglass: Optimiert jede Schicht der Glasfasermatrix und fügt eine durchgehende Kohlefaser-Schicht von Spitze bis Tail hinzu, um das Gewicht zu reduzieren und die torsionale Flexibilität zu verbessern.
  • WFO Base: Speziell entwickelte Wachsmischung für Langlebigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit, ideal für Fahrten in jeder Bedingung über die gesamte Saison hinweg.
  • The Channel® Board Mount: Entwickelt für perfekte Standanpassungen und kompatibel mit allen gängigen Bindungen.
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[kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649400902 ) ) ) ) [3636] => Array ( [optionID] => 3636 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170w [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3199 [optionID] => 3636 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170w ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649401002 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore 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( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3913 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => 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Burton – Premium Snowboarding bei Sport Gardena

Burton steht für Spitzenqualität und Innovation im Snowboarding. Seit über 40 Jahren prägt die Marke den Sport und bietet Snowboards, Bindungen, Boots und technische Bekleidung auf höchstem Niveau. Ob All-Mountain, Freestyle oder Powder – Burton-Produkte garantieren herausragende Performance und langlebige Materialien für jeden Fahrstil.

Bei Sport Gardena findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion der neuesten Burton-Produkte. Unser Team unterstützt dich mit fachkundiger Beratung, um die perfekte Ausrüstung für dein Niveau und Terrain zu finden. Entdecke die Faszination von Burton und starte bestens ausgestattet in die neue Snowboard-Saison!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 76 [supplierID] => 79 [dato_easy_id] => 109 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 700,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 700 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23822 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 1455 [height] => 1455 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14460 [imageID] => 182262 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 700,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 700 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1649400502 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3913 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3913&number=T1649400502 ) 1
Burton Men's Custom Camber
700,00 € *
Racetiger SL + RMOTION3 12 GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3899 [articleDetailsID] => 42545 [ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0401 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Völkl Racetiger SL

Seit seiner Einführung 1970 als Rennski verkörpert der Völkl Racetiger SL Performance auf höchstem Niveau. Speziell für Slalomfahrer entwickelt, bietet der Racetiger SL unvergleichliche Wendigkeit und Präzision in engen Kurven und auf Slalomstrecken. Die Tailored Carbon Tips und maßgefertigten Carbonfasern ermöglichen eine exakte Anpassung der Kraftverteilung und bieten höchste Kontrolle und Stabilität, selbst bei extremen Kantenwechseln.

Mit seiner kurzen und flachen Tip-Rocker-Geometrie und der schmalen Taille bietet der Racetiger SL ein dynamisches, reaktionsfreudiges Fahrverhalten. Ideal für enge Kurven und schnelle Slalomläufe, sorgt dieser Ski für ein kraftvolles und dennoch flüssiges Skierlebnis.


  • Längen: 150 cm, 155 cm, 160 cm, 165 cm, 170 cm
  • Sidecut (Spitze-Waist-Heck): 126 mm - 67 mm - 102 mm
  • Radius:
    • 150 cm: 10,2 m
    • 155 cm: 11,0 m
    • 160 cm: 11,8 m
    • 165 cm: 12,6 m
    • 170 cm: 13,4 m
  • Gewicht (ohne Bindung): 2830 g bis 3090 g (je nach Länge)
  • Rocker: Tip Rocker
  • Kern: Multilayer Woodcore
  • Base: P-Tex 4504
  • Empfohlene Bindung: R-MOTION 3 12 GW (DIN 4.0 - 12.0)
[esd] => [articleName] => Racetiger SL + RMOTION3 12 GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-10-03 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 15 [float] => 15.1 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => V2411004.200 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42903 [articleID] => 3899 [articledetailsID] => 42545 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [576] => Array ( [optionID] => 576 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 150 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 151 [optionID] => 576 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_150 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0201 ) ) ) ) [578] => Array ( [optionID] => 578 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 155 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 153 [optionID] => 578 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_155 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0301 ) ) ) ) [513] => Array ( [optionID] => 513 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 160 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 88 [optionID] => 513 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_160 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0401 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0501 ) ) ) ) [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0601 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [798] => Array ( [optionID] => 798 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Yellow/Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 373 [optionID] => 798 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_yellow/black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2DI0201 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3899 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => 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Entdecken Sie die hochwertige Vielfalt der Völkl Skis - exzellente Qualität trifft auf innovative Technologie. Egal ob Anfänger oder Profi, hier finden Sie das perfekte Modell. Jetzt online bequem bestellen oder in unserem Geschäft vor Ort persönlich beraten lassen und sofort mitnehmen!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 27 [supplierID] => 29 [dato_easy_id] => 87 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 849,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 849 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23746 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 849,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 15 [float] => 15.1 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 849 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM2DI0401 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3899 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3899&number=T4YM2DI0401 ) 1
Völkl Racetiger SL + RMOTION3 12 GW
849,00 € * 1.000,00 € *
Laser CX+ SRT Speed+SRT12
Array ( [articleID] => 3751 [articleDetailsID] => 41133 [ordernumber] => T4YM23Z0101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Stöckli Laser CX – Wendiger und spielerischer Pistenski

Der neue Laser CX ist wendig, leicht und spielerisch. Dieser gutmütige Slalomski übernimmt viele Attribute vom Laser SL, erfordert aber weniger Kraftaufwand beim Fahren. Dynamische Kantenwechsel gelingen mühelos, ähnlich wie geschnittene Kurven, dank der leichten Bauweise und der neuen Turtle 2.0-Technologie. Du hast die Wahl: Entweder ein sportlicher Slalomski mit einer Performance-orientierten Platte und Bindung oder ein gemütlicher Cruiser mit einem komfortableren Setup. So oder so bietet dir dieser Ski unglaublichen Fahrspaß – von frühmorgens bis zum Après-Ski.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen: 149, 156, 163, 170, 177 cm
  • Dimensionen (mm): 122-69-101
  • Radien (m): 10.5 (149 cm), 11.6 (156 cm), 12.8 (163 cm), 14.1 (170 cm), 15.4 (177 cm)
  • Base Bevel: 1.5°
  • Side Bevel: 2.0°
[esd] => [articleName] => Laser CX+ SRT Speed+SRT12 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 3 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-17 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 24KCX02 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 41491 [articleID] => 3751 [articledetailsID] => 41133 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => 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[kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23Z0301 ) ) ) ) [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23Z0401 ) ) ) ) [581] => Array ( [optionID] => 581 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 177 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 156 [optionID] => 581 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_177 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23Z0501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [2217] => Array ( [optionID] => 2217 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Grey [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1785 [optionID] => 2217 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_grey ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23Z0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3751 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 1667,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1667 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23685 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 1667,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1667 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM23Z0101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3751 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3751&number=T4YM23Z0101 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser CX+ SRT Speed+SRT12
1.499,00 € * 1.667,00 € *
Laser GS + SRT Speed + SRT12
Array ( [articleID] => 3092 [articleDetailsID] => 34306 [ordernumber] => T1620050101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Breite, exzellent vorbereitete Abfahrten sind sein Spezialgebiet. Er hat eine Vorliebe für weite, rasante Schwünge. Der Stöckli Laser GS überzeugt durch seine Stabilität selbst bei maximalem Tempo. Dies wird durch die aus dem Rennsport stammende Carbon-Steering-Control-Technik und eine zusätzliche Gummieinlage über dem Holzkern ermöglicht. Auf diese Weise gleitest du wie auf Schienen und bewahrst stets die Oberhand, selbst bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten. Mit diesem Riesenslalom-Ski erlebst du volle Weltcup-Performance, ideal für alle, die bei Geschwindigkeit und Präzision keine Abstriche machen möchten.


[esd] => [articleName] => Laser GS + SRT Speed + SRT12 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => 76131448302 [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-09-07 [update] => 2023-09-20 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 23KGS04 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 34583 [articleID] => 3092 [articledetailsID] => 34306 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => 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Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [515] => Array ( [optionID] => 515 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 168 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 90 [optionID] => 515 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_168 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1620050101 ) ) ) ) [641] => Array ( [optionID] => 641 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 175 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 216 [optionID] => 641 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_175 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1620050301 ) ) ) ) [739] => Array ( [optionID] => 739 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 182 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 314 [optionID] => 739 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_182 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1620050401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [579] => Array ( [optionID] => 579 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Red/Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 154 [optionID] => 579 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_red/black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1620050101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3092 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 1667,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1667 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 16754 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 8966 [imageID] => 138308 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 1667,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1667 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1620050101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3092 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3092&number=T1620050101 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser GS + SRT Speed + SRT12
1.499,00 € * 1.667,00 € *
Race Carbon
Array ( [articleID] => 3090 [articleDetailsID] => 34304 [ordernumber] => T1618210401 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Der PISTE CARBON ist ein Premium-Skistock für ambitionierte Skifahrer, die auf der Piste Gas geben wollen. Sein leichtes, sehr robustes Rohr ist aus hochwertigem Carbon gefertigt – für ein optimales Schwunggewicht. Mit dem rutschfesten 2-Komponenten-Gummigriff liegt der Stock extrem gut in der Hand, der praktischen Click-In-Strap sorgt für hervorragenden Halt in jeder Kurve. Dank der Tungsten Carbide Flex Tip-Spitze hast du selbst auf Eis immer Grip, und die ultraleichten Mini-Teller sind ideal für harte Pistenbedingungen.

2-Component Rubber Handle (non-slip and stable), Click-In Strap (secure hold and easy entry/exit), Carbon Fiber Composite (Ø 13/9mm), Tungsten/Carbide Flex Tip 38, Mini UL Basket

[esd] => [articleName] => Race Carbon [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 2 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-09-05 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => V23ZU03 [notification] => [ean] => 9120124671908 [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 34581 [articleID] => 3090 [articledetailsID] => 34304 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] 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[isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [919] => Array ( [optionID] => 919 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 110 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 493 [optionID] => 919 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_110 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => 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1837 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 125 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1405 [optionID] => 1837 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_125 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1618210401 ) ) ) ) [916] => Array ( [optionID] => 916 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 130 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 490 [optionID] => 916 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_130 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => 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Marcel Hirscher, der legendäre österreichische Skirennläufer und Rekordweltmeister, ist nicht nur ein Name im Skisport, sondern auch ein Synonym für höchste Qualität und Leistung auf der Piste. Bei Sport Gardena finden Sie eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Van Deer Ski, welche von Marcel Hirscher persönlich mitentwickelt wurde. Diese Ski bieten nicht nur herausragende Performance, sondern sind auch ein Statement für Ihren unverwechselbaren Stil auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 61 [supplierID] => 70 [dato_easy_id] => 308 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 119,97 [pseudoprice] => 129,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 119.97 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 129 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 16598 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 4000 [height] => 4000 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 119,97 [pseudoprice] => 129,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 119.97 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 129 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1618210401 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3090 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3090&number=T1618210401 ) 1
Van Deer Race Carbon
119,97 € * 129,00 € *
Laser WRT + WRT D20 + WRT12FF
Array ( [articleID] => 2620 [articleDetailsID] => 28126 [ordernumber] => T3B2RHC0301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Inspiriert vom Rennsport, gefertigt für die höchsten Ansprüche: Unsere Rennsport-DNA, verpackt in einen Ski. Der Laser WRT vereint die Stärken eines Riesenslalomskis mit denen eines Slalomskis und ist damit der perfekte Ski für die Piste. Ob kurze oder lange Schwünge, der Laser WRT reagiert schnell und flexibel. Mit der neuen Carbon-Einlage unter dem Holzkern ist er sogar noch reaktionsfreudiger und beschleunigt spürbar mehr Ende Kurve. Und das ohne Einbussen in Sachen Stabilität und Laufruhe. Kurz gesagt: Der Laser WRT verspricht hohes Tempo, präzise Kurven und unglaubliche Power.


[esd] => [articleName] => Laser WRT + WRT D20 + WRT12FF [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-09-06 [update] => 2023-10-10 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 23KWRT04 [notification] => [ean] => 7613144826073 [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 28274 [articleID] => 2620 [articledetailsID] => 28126 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] 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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [784] => Array ( [optionID] => 784 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 162 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 359 [optionID] => 784 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_162 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) ) ) [642] => Array ( [optionID] => 642 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 180 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 217 [optionID] => 642 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_180 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T3B2RHC0301 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [912] => Array ( [optionID] => 912 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black/Red [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 486 [optionID] => 912 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black/red ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T3B2RHC0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 2620 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => 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[pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1669,00 [pseudoprice] => 1856,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1669 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1856 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 12848 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 9697 [imageID] => 103973 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1669,00 [pseudoprice] => 1856,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1669 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1856 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T3B2RHC0301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2620 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2620&number=T3B2RHC0301 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser WRT + WRT D20 + WRT12FF
1.669,00 € * 1.856,00 € *
Pro Carve White + Plate Speedlook + Bindungs B412
Array ( [articleID] => 340 [articleDetailsID] => 2777 [ordernumber] => T1NJK9T0201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Der brandneue Pro Carve White Bomber Ski ist ein Hochleistungs-Carvingski, der bei jeder Kurve die Erwartungen übertrifft. Geboren aus einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bomber Markenbotschafter Bode Miller und dem Bomber Werksteam in Cossato, Italien, bietet der Pro Carve eine unglaubliche Mischung aus Edge-to-Edge-Schnelligkeit und High-Speed-Stabilität, die Sie begeistern wird.

  • Längen: 156 - 166 - 176 - 186
  • Radius: 14/156 - 16/166 - 18/176 - 20/186
  • 156: Breite vorne 113, Breite Mitte 65, Breite hinten 97
  • 166/176/186: Breite vorne 118, Breite Mitte 70, Breite hinten 101
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Bomber Ski, ein Symbol für Leidenschaft und Präzision im Skisport. Entdecken Sie unsere besondere Auswahl an Bomber Skiern, die jetzt sowohl online als auch direkt bei Sport Gardena erhältlich sind.

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Bomber Ski Pro Carve White + Plate Speedlook + Bindungs B412
1.399,00 € *
Men's Process Experience Camber
Array ( [articleID] => 3924 [articleDetailsID] => 42743 [ordernumber] => T0895460601 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>



Kurze Beschreibung:
Vielseitige Leistung für jedes Abenteuer.

Detailierte Produktbeschreibung:
Das Men's Burton Process Experience Camber Snowboard ist für eine ausgewogene Fahrt konzipiert, ideal zum Drehen und Landen mit hervorragender Stabilität, egal ob in regulärer oder Switch-Position. Das PurePop Camber-Profil in Kombination mit direktionalem Flex verbessert die Kontrolle auf jedem Terrain und in allen Bedingungen und bringt zusätzlichen Pop und Verspieltheit in jede Fahrt.


  • Twin-Shape: Perfekt symmetrisch für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, ideal für Spins und stabile Landungen, egal ob regulär oder switch.
  • PurePop Camber Profil: Bietet flache Zonen, um den Pop zu verstärken und die Verspieltheit zu erhöhen.
  • Direktionaler Flex: Erhöht den Pop im Tail und verstärkt die Nose, um Kontrolle auf jedem Terrain zu gewährleisten.
  • Super Fly 800G Kern: Doppelschicht-Holzkern, der Pop liefert und zwischen harten und weichen Hölzern wechselt, um das Gewicht zu reduzieren, ohne die Leistung zu beeinträchtigen.
  • Dualzone EGD: Speziell positioniertes Holz entlang der Zehen- und Fersenkanten für besseren Kantenhalt, Reaktion und Stabilität.
  • Triax Fiberglas: Bietet vielseitige Flexibilität und Reaktionsfähigkeit für alle Herausforderungen.
  • Extrudierte Base: Bietet Geschwindigkeit und Stärke bei minimalem Wartungsaufwand.
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[values] => Array ( [3637] => Array ( [optionID] => 3637 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => No Color [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3200 [optionID] => 3637 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_no color ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T0895460101 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 23874 [position] => [source] => [description] => 20175104000_1 [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 1368 [height] => 1368 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3924 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 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Burton – Premium Snowboarding bei Sport Gardena

Burton steht für Spitzenqualität und Innovation im Snowboarding. Seit über 40 Jahren prägt die Marke den Sport und bietet Snowboards, Bindungen, Boots und technische Bekleidung auf höchstem Niveau. Ob All-Mountain, Freestyle oder Powder – Burton-Produkte garantieren herausragende Performance und langlebige Materialien für jeden Fahrstil.

Bei Sport Gardena findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion der neuesten Burton-Produkte. Unser Team unterstützt dich mit fachkundiger Beratung, um die perfekte Ausrüstung für dein Niveau und Terrain zu finden. Entdecke die Faszination von Burton und starte bestens ausgestattet in die neue Snowboard-Saison!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 76 [supplierID] => 79 [dato_easy_id] => 109 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 420,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 420 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23874 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 1368 [height] => 1368 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14457 [imageID] => 182464 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 420,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 420 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T0895460601 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3924 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3924&number=T0895460601 ) 1
Burton Men's Process Experience Camber
420,00 € *
Women's Yeasayer Camber
Array ( [articleID] => 3915 [articleDetailsID] => 42663 [ordernumber] => T1649710202 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>



Kurze Beschreibung:
Atme tief durch und erweitere deine Horizonte.

Detailierte Produktbeschreibung:
Von unerforschten Gipfeln bis zu deinen Lieblingsparks, das Women's Burton Yeasayer Snowboard meistert alles, was sich ihm in den Weg stellt. Das Flat Top-Profil surft durch tiefen Powder und bleibt dabei stabil unter den Füßen, während das True Twin-Design die Kontrolle in beide Richtungen gewährleistet. Eine umfangreiche Liste an Features sorgt für eine freundliche und spaßige Fahrt, mit einem energiegeladenen Kern und einer angehobenen Spitze und Tail für ein fangfreies Gefühl, egal ob du durch kniehohen Powder surfst oder eine Box im Park slidest.


  • Twin Shape: Perfekt symmetrisch für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, die dir Stabilität beim Drehen und Landen bietet, egal ob du regulär oder switch fährst.
  • Flat Top Profil: Bietet Stabilität, Balance und kontinuierliche Kantenkontrolle, hebt die Spitze und das Tail für ein lockeres, fangfreies Fahrerlebnis.
  • Twin Flex: Symmetrisch von Spitze bis Tail für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, vielseitig sowohl für regulär als auch für switch.
  • Super Fly 800G Core: Ein zweischichtiger Holzkern, vollgepackt mit Pop, der harte und weiche Holzarten abwechselt, um das Gesamtgewicht zu reduzieren, ohne die Leistung einzuschränken.
  • Dualzone EGD: Speziell positioniertes Holz entlang der Zehen- und Fersenkanten für besseren Kantenhalt, Reaktion und Stabilität.
  • Women's-specific Triax Fiberglas: Bietet eine torsional weichere Flexibilität für leichtere Fahrer und gleichzeitig die nötige Stärke und Reaktion für jede Herausforderung.
  • Extrudierte Base: Bietet Geschwindigkeit und Stabilität und erfordert nur wenig Wartung.
  • The Channel® Board Mount: Entwickelt für perfekte Standanpassungen und ist mit allen gängigen Bindungen kompatibel.
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Burton – Premium Snowboarding bei Sport Gardena

Burton steht für Spitzenqualität und Innovation im Snowboarding. Seit über 40 Jahren prägt die Marke den Sport und bietet Snowboards, Bindungen, Boots und technische Bekleidung auf höchstem Niveau. Ob All-Mountain, Freestyle oder Powder – Burton-Produkte garantieren herausragende Performance und langlebige Materialien für jeden Fahrstil.

Bei Sport Gardena findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion der neuesten Burton-Produkte. Unser Team unterstützt dich mit fachkundiger Beratung, um die perfekte Ausrüstung für dein Niveau und Terrain zu finden. Entdecke die Faszination von Burton und starte bestens ausgestattet in die neue Snowboard-Saison!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 76 [supplierID] => 79 [dato_easy_id] => 109 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 560,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 560 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23829 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 1443 [height] => 1443 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14462 [imageID] => 182269 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 560,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 560 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1649710202 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3915 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3915&number=T1649710202 ) 1
Burton Women's Yeasayer Camber
560,00 € *
Men's Process Camber
Array ( [articleID] => 3914 [articleDetailsID] => 42655 [ordernumber] => T1649510202 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>




152 cm

Keine Farbe angegeben

Kurze Beschreibung:
Leistungsabgestimmt für präzises Freestyle.

Detailierte Produktbeschreibung:
Inspiriert vom mühelosen Stil des Burton-Riders Mark McMorris, bietet dieses Twin-Shape-Snowboard die nötige Power, wenn du sie brauchst. Das Men's Burton Process Snowboard mit dem begehrten Panda-Design ist Mark McMorris' Wahl für seine Freestyle-Verspieltheit und seine All-Terrain-Performance. Dieses für den Lift-off bereitstehende Deck bietet explosiven Pop und präzise Kontrolle dank des PurePop-Camber-Profils.


  • Twin-Shape: Perfekt symmetrisch für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, ideal für Spins und stabile Landungen, egal ob regulär oder switch.
  • PurePop Camber Profil: Bietet flache Zonen, um den Pop zu verstärken und die Verspieltheit zu erhöhen.
  • Twin Flex: Symmetrisch von Spitze bis Tail für eine ausgewogene Fahrt, vielseitig sowohl für regulär als auch für switch.
  • Super Fly II 700G Kern: Verwendet stärkere und leichtere Hölzer für mehr Pop und Stabilität bei reduziertem Gewicht.
  • Dualzone EGD: Speziell positioniertes Holz entlang der Zehen- und Fersenkanten für besseren Kantenhalt, Reaktion und Stabilität.
  • Triax Fiberglas: Bietet vielseitige Flexibilität und Reaktionsfähigkeit für alle Arten von Tricks, von klein bis groß.
  • Sintered Base: Langlebig und hochporös für hervorragende Wachsausnahme und Gleitfähigkeit.
  • The Channel® Board Mount: Entwickelt für perfekte Standanpassungen und kompatibel mit allen gängigen Bindungen.
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[comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [603] => Array ( [optionID] => 603 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 152 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 178 [optionID] => 603 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_152 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => 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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510302 ) ) ) ) [3638] => Array ( [optionID] => 3638 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 157w [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3201 [optionID] => 3638 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_157w ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510402 ) ) ) ) [583] => Array ( [optionID] => 583 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 159 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 158 [optionID] => 583 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_159 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510502 ) ) ) ) [3639] => Array ( [optionID] => 3639 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 159w [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3202 [optionID] => 3639 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_159w ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510602 ) ) ) ) [784] => Array ( [optionID] => 784 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 162 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 359 [optionID] => 784 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_162 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510702 ) ) ) ) [3634] => Array ( [optionID] => 3634 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 162w [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3197 [optionID] => 3634 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_162w ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510802 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [3637] => Array ( [optionID] => 3637 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => No Color [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3200 [optionID] => 3637 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_no color ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1649510102 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 23825 [position] => [source] => [description] => 10692111000_1 [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 1449 [height] => 1449 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => 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Burton – Premium Snowboarding bei Sport Gardena

Burton steht für Spitzenqualität und Innovation im Snowboarding. Seit über 40 Jahren prägt die Marke den Sport und bietet Snowboards, Bindungen, Boots und technische Bekleidung auf höchstem Niveau. Ob All-Mountain, Freestyle oder Powder – Burton-Produkte garantieren herausragende Performance und langlebige Materialien für jeden Fahrstil.

Bei Sport Gardena findest du eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion der neuesten Burton-Produkte. Unser Team unterstützt dich mit fachkundiger Beratung, um die perfekte Ausrüstung für dein Niveau und Terrain zu finden. Entdecke die Faszination von Burton und starte bestens ausgestattet in die neue Snowboard-Saison!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 76 [supplierID] => 79 [dato_easy_id] => 109 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 590,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 590 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23825 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 1449 [height] => 1449 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14461 [imageID] => 182265 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 590,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 590 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1649510202 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3914 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3914&number=T1649510202 ) 1
Burton Men's Process Camber
590,00 € *
Redster G9 RVSK S + X 12 GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3838 [articleDetailsID] => 41948 [ordernumber] => T1793380101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Atomic Redster G9 Revoshock S + X 12 GW Bindung

Der Atomic Redster G9 Revoshock S vereint das Renn-DNA der Weltmeisterschaft in einem Slalom-Ski, der Geschwindigkeit und Präzision verkörpert. Ausgestattet mit der fortschrittlichen Revoshock S-Technologie bietet der Ski eine unglaubliche Laufruhe und Stabilität, selbst auf harten und eisigen Pisten. Die Ultralight-Konstruktion mit Full Sidewall und Dura Cap sorgt für Kraft und Langlebigkeit, während zwei TI Powered-Laminate zusammen mit dem Power Woodcore eine herausragende Torsionssteifigkeit und Kantenkontrolle gewährleisten. Auch wenn du dieses Jahr nicht an der Weltmeisterschaft teilnehmen wirst, erlebst du mit dem Redster G9 Revoshock S Weltklasse-Performance bei jeder Abfahrt.

Technische Daten:

  • Geschlecht: Unisex
  • Einsatzbereich: Rennen, Piste
  • Gewicht (ein Ski bei 177 cm): 3229 g
  • Längen und technische Maße:
    • 167 cm: Radius: 16,6 m, Sidecut: 108 mm (Spitze) - 68 mm (Taille) - 94,5 mm (Heck)
    • 172 cm: Radius: 17,4 m, Sidecut: 109 mm (Spitze) - 68 mm (Taille) - 95,5 mm (Heck)
    • 177 cm: Radius: 18,2 m, Sidecut: 110 mm (Spitze) - 68 mm (Taille) - 96,5 mm (Heck)
    • 182 cm: Radius: 19 m, Sidecut: 111,5 mm (Spitze) - 68 mm (Taille) - 97,5 mm (Heck)
  • Bindung: X 12 GW
[esd] => [articleName] => Redster G9 RVSK S + X 12 GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 8 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-23 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 18 [float] => 18.19 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => AASS03408 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42306 [articleID] => 3838 [articledetailsID] => 41948 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => 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[kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1793380301 ) ) ) ) [739] => Array ( [optionID] => 739 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 182 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 314 [optionID] => 739 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_182 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1793380401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore 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Entdecke Atomic Ski und Skischuhe Exklusiv bei Sport Gardena Online.
Bereite dich auf die Piste vor mit den erstklassigen Atomic Ski und Skischuhen – jetzt online entdecken im Sport Gardena Shop! Unser Online-Shop öffnet Ihnen die Tür zu einer Welt, in der erstklassige Performance und Komfort von Atomic auf Ihre Skibedürfnisse treffen. Einkaufen wird zum Kinderspiel: Stöbern Sie durch unsere umfangreiche Auswahl, bestellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks und erleben Sie die erstklassige Qualität von Atomic, geliefert bis an Ihre Tür. Oder besuchen Sie uns persönlich im Geschäft, um die High-End-Ausrüstung hautnah zu erleben und von unserer Expertise zu profitieren. Wo auch immer Ihr Winterabenteuer beginnt – mit Sport Gardena und Atomic sind Sie bestens ausgestattet!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [supplierID] => 25 [dato_easy_id] => 14 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 949,00 [pseudoprice] => 1159,99 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 949 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1159.99 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23663 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 949,00 [pseudoprice] => 1159,99 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 18 [float] => 18.19 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 949 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1159.99 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1793380101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3838 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3838&number=T1793380101 ) 1
Atomic Redster G9 RVSK S + X 12 GW
949,00 € * 1.159,99 € *
Hero Elite ST TI K NX12
Array ( [articleID] => 3818 [articleDetailsID] => 41820 [ordernumber] => T4YM2CX0301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Rossignol Hero Elite ST TI Konect Skier – Unisex Rennski

Die Rossignol Hero Elite ST TI Konect-Ski vereinen Spitzentechnologie aus dem Rennsport mit unvergleichlicher Performance. Diese Unisex-Rennski bieten maximale Kontrolle und Geschwindigkeit auf präparierten Pisten. Dank der Power Turn Rocker-Technologie und dem verstärkten Titanal-Laminat sorgen sie für exzellente Torsionssteifigkeit und einen beeindruckenden Kantengriff, ideal für erfahrene Skifahrer, die Präzision und Stabilität bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten suchen.


  • Titanalverstärkungen: Bieten optimale Torsionssteifigkeit und Stabilität.
  • Power Turn Rocker: Erleichtert den Einstieg in die Kurven und sorgt für flüssige Fahrten.
  • Stabile Kantenkontrolle: Die Oversized-Taillierung gewährleistet festen Kantengriff auch bei hoher Geschwindigkeit.
  • NX 12 oder SPX 14 Bindung: Wählbar für zusätzliche Kontrolle und Präzision.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen (cm): 157, 162, 167, 172
  • Spitzenbreite (mm): 123
  • Taillenbreite (mm): 68
  • Heckbreite (mm): 104
  • Radius (m): 11 (bei 157 cm), 12 (bei 162 cm), 13 (bei 167 cm), 14 (bei 172 cm)
  • Gewicht (kg pro Paar): 1,85 (bei 157 cm), 1,9 (bei 162 cm), 1,95 (bei 167 cm), 2 (bei 172 cm)
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[isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [601] => Array ( [optionID] => 601 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 157 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 176 [optionID] => 601 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_157 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => 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Array ( [579] => Array ( [optionID] => 579 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Red/Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 154 [optionID] => 579 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_red/black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM2CX0201 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3818 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Rossignol [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 41 [supplierDescription] =>

Tauchen Sie in die Welt des Wintersports mit der erstklassigen Ski- und Skischuhkollektion von Rossignol ein. Ob Sie online einkaufen oder eine persönliche Beratung im Geschäft vor Ort bevorzugen, Rossignol garantiert unübertroffene Qualität und Performance für jedes Abenteuer auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 31 [supplierID] => 41 [dato_easy_id] => 72 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 799,00 [pseudoprice] => 1125,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 799 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1125 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23671 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 799,00 [pseudoprice] => 1125,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 29 [float] => 28.98 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 799 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1125 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM2CX0301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3818 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3818&number=T4YM2CX0301 ) 1
Rossignol Hero Elite ST TI K NX12
799,00 € * 1.125,00 € *
Array ( [articleID] => 3798 [articleDetailsID] => 41656 [ordernumber] => T4YM26U1301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Tecnica Mach1 MV 110 TD GW Skischuh - Race Grey

Sportliche Skifahrer wollen Skischuhe, die sofort passen. Der Tecnica Mach1 MV 110 TD GW wurde mit dieser Prämisse entwickelt. Der Innenschuh und die Schale reflektieren die Fußform perfekt, und mit einem Flex von 110 ist dieser Schuh ideal für Skifahrer mit mittlerem bis fortgeschrittenem Fahrniveau. Mit einer Leistenbreite von 100 mm (Mid Volume) eignet er sich hervorragend für normale Fußbreiten.

Die integrierte T-Drive-Technologie mit einer Carbonplatte im hinteren Teil des Schuhs bietet verbesserte Kantenkontrolle und Kraftübertragung für mehr Stabilität. Wenn der Schuh trotz der anatomischen Passform nicht perfekt sitzt, können Schale und Innenschuh dank des C.A.S. Systems vollständig angepasst werden. Die GripWalk-Sohle sorgt für besseren Halt auf rutschigen Wegen. Zudem wird der Schuh umweltfreundlich im Rahmen der Eco Design-Serie aus recycelten Materialien hergestellt.

Technische Details:

  • Leisten: 100 mm (MV - Mid Volume)
  • Flex Index: 110 (mittlere Steifigkeit)
  • Größen: 240-310
  • Gewicht: 1830 g (halbes Paar)
  • Innenschuh: Anpassbar, Eco Design, C.A.S., Celliant®, High Performance
  • Schale: PU mit Quick Instep
  • Sohlen: ISO 23223 GripWalk
  • Schnallen: 4 Micro-verstellbare Aluminium-Schnallen mit Lift-Lock
  • Powerstrap: 45 mm
  • Forward Lean: 13,3°

Perfekt für ambitionierte Skifahrer, die Wert auf Komfort und Präzision legen.

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=> Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U0301 ) ) ) ) [2377] => Array ( [optionID] => 2377 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 25.5 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1940 [optionID] => 2377 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_25.5 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U0401 ) ) ) ) [2378] => Array ( [optionID] => 2378 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 26.0 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1941 [optionID] => 2378 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_26.0 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U0501 ) ) ) ) [2379] => Array ( [optionID] => 2379 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 26.5 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1942 [optionID] => 2379 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_26.5 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U0601 ) ) ) ) [2393] => Array ( [optionID] => 2393 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 27.0 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1956 [optionID] => 2393 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_27.0 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U0701 ) ) ) ) [2394] => Array ( [optionID] => 2394 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 27.5 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1957 [optionID] => 2394 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_27.5 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U0801 ) ) ) ) [2395] => Array ( [optionID] => 2395 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 28.0 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1958 [optionID] => 2395 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_28.0 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EasyRent_taglia_29.0 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U1101 ) ) ) ) [2398] => Array ( [optionID] => 2398 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 29.5 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1961 [optionID] => 2398 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_29.5 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U1201 ) ) ) ) [2399] => Array ( [optionID] => 2399 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 30.0 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1962 [optionID] => 2399 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_30.0 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U1301 ) ) ) ) [2400] => Array ( [optionID] => 2400 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 30.5 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1963 [optionID] => 2400 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_30.5 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U1401 ) ) ) ) [2401] => Array ( [optionID] => 2401 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 31.0 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1964 [optionID] => 2401 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_31.0 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM26U1501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [3545] => Array ( [optionID] => 3545 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Race Grey [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3108 [optionID] => 3545 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_race grey ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => 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Entdecken Sie Tecnica Skischuhe bei Sport Gardena, wo fortschrittliche Technologie und italienisches Design aufeinandertreffen. Kaufen Sie online und stöbern Sie durch unsere ausgewählte Kollektion, oder erleben Sie die präzise Passform und erstklassige Beratung vor Ort in unserem Geschäft. Ihr ultimatives Wintersporterlebnis beginnt mit dem perfekten Schuh!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 51 [supplierID] => 60 [dato_easy_id] => 82 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 439,00 [pseudoprice] => 470,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 439 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 470 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23713 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 2000 [height] => 2000 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14396 [imageID] => 181963 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 439,00 [pseudoprice] => 470,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 6.6 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 439 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 470 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM26U1301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3798 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3798&number=T4YM26U1301 ) 1
Tecnica MACH1 MV 110 TD GW
439,00 € * 470,00 € *
Laser SX + SRT Speed+ SRT12
Array ( [articleID] => 3755 [articleDetailsID] => 41150 [ordernumber] => T4YM24K0201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Stöckli Laser SX – Vielseitiger Pistenski

Vorhang auf für den vielseitigen Laser SX – den gutmütigen Pistenski für mittlere bis lange Radien. Die neue Turtle 2.0-Technologie verleiht ihm außergewöhnliche Geschmeidigkeit und Drehfreudigkeit bei gewohnter Stabilität, wenn du zügiger unterwegs bist. Mit seinem leichten Kern und leichten Kanten bleibt er aber stets agil und komfortabel. Ob sportliches Fahren mit höherem Tempo oder gemütliches Cruisen – der Laser SX ist dein treuer und vielseitiger Begleiter, egal, worauf du gerade Lust hast.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen: 157, 165, 173, 181 cm
  • Dimensionen (mm): 70-99-70
  • Radien (m): 13 (157 cm), 14 (165 cm), 16 (173 cm), 18 (181 cm)
  • Base Bevel: 1.5°
  • Side Bevel: 2.0°
[esd] => [articleName] => Laser SX + SRT Speed+ SRT12 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-17 [update] => 2024-10-06 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 24KSX03 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 41508 [articleID] => 3755 [articledetailsID] => 41150 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => 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[kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24K0201 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24K0301 ) ) ) ) [790] => Array ( [optionID] => 790 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 173 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 365 [optionID] => 790 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_173 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24K0401 ) ) ) ) [872] => Array ( [optionID] => 872 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 181 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 446 [optionID] => 872 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_181 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM24K0501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore 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[dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 1667,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1667 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23693 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1499,00 [pseudoprice] => 1667,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.08 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1499 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1667 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM24K0201 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3755 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3755&number=T4YM24K0201 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser SX + SRT Speed+ SRT12
1.499,00 € * 1.667,00 € *
MONTERO AX Orea +Strive 13D Black
Array ( [articleID] => 3750 [articleDetailsID] => 41128 [ordernumber] => T4YM23T0101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Stöckli Montero AX – All Mountain Ski

Egal, ob frisch präparierte Piste, Neuschnee oder schwerer Frühlingsschnee – der Montero AX meistert jedes Terrain und alle Bedingungen. Seinen spielerischen Charakter verdankt dieser Ski dem leichten und dynamischen Holzkern sowie dem typischen All Mountain Rocker. Die neue Tip-and-Tail-Flex-Technologie macht die Schaufel und das Skiende geschmeidiger, was harmonische Kurveneinleitungen ermöglicht. So hast du immer die perfekte Kontrolle, selbst bei schwierigen Verhältnissen. Kurz gesagt, der Montero AX ist der spielerische Alleskönner, den du schon immer gesucht hast.

Technische Daten:

  • Längen: 163, 168, 175, 180 cm
  • Dimensionen (mm): 123-80-112
  • Radien (m): 12.8 (163 cm), 13.5 (168 cm), 14.7 (175 cm), 15.5 (180 cm)
  • Base Bevel: 1.5°
  • Side Bevel: 2.0°
[esd] => [articleName] => MONTERO AX Orea +Strive 13D Black [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 0 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-17 [update] => 2025-01-30 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.05 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 24KAXOREA [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 41486 [articleID] => 3750 [articledetailsID] => 41128 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => 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Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [647] => Array ( [optionID] => 647 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 163 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 222 [optionID] => 647 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_163 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23T0101 ) ) ) ) [515] => Array ( [optionID] => 515 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 168 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 90 [optionID] => 515 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_168 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23T0201 ) ) ) ) [790] => Array ( [optionID] => 790 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 173 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 365 [optionID] => 790 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_173 ) ) ) ) [904] => Array ( [optionID] => 904 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 178 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 478 [optionID] => 904 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_178 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23T0401 ) ) ) ) [839] => Array ( [optionID] => 839 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 183 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 413 [optionID] => 839 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_183 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23T0501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [441] => Array ( [optionID] => 441 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 16 [optionID] => 441 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM23T0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3750 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1799,00 [pseudoprice] => 2000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1799 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 2000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 24755 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1799,00 [pseudoprice] => 2000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.05 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1799 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 2000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM23T0101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3750 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3750&number=T4YM23T0101 ) 1
Stöckli Ski MONTERO AX Orea +Strive 13D Black
1.799,00 € * 2.000,00 € *
Supershape e-Magnum + PRD 12 GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3262 [articleDetailsID] => 36032 [ordernumber] => T4YM1U30101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Der Supershape e-Magnum wurde speziell für den traditionellen All-Mountain-Skifahrer entwickelt, der einen leistungsstarken, aber dennoch ruhigen Ski sucht. Der e-Magnum bietet erstklassige Leistungsmerkmale und einfache Handhabung für ultimativen Skispaß auf und sogar abseits der Piste. Wie der Rest der Serie ist er mit der innovativen EMC-Technologie ausgestattet, die Vibrationen reduziert und die Stabilität erhöht, um ein harmonischeres Fahrerlebnis zu gewährleisten. Dank der Graphene-Technologie verfügt der Ski über eine optimierte Gewichtsverteilung, perfekte Balance und Kontrolle. Unabhängig davon, wie lange du auf der Piste unterwegs bist, kannst du dich auf den e-Magnum verlassen, sei es auf oder abseits der Piste.


  • EMC
  • ERA 3.0 S
  • Graphene Worldcup Sandwich Cap Construction
  • RD Race Structured UHM C Base
  • Speed Rocker
  • Plate: Superflex PR Base low

Gewicht pro Einzelski ohne Bindung: 2170g @ Länge: 170*

[esd] => [articleName] => Supershape e-Magnum + PRD 12 GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-11 [update] => 2023-10-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 16 [float] => 16.1 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 313303 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 36325 [articleID] => 3262 [articledetailsID] => 36032 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => 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[isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [648] => Array ( [optionID] => 648 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 149 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 223 [optionID] => 648 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_149 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1U30101 ) ) ) ) [518] => Array ( [optionID] => 518 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 156 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 93 [optionID] => 518 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_156 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1U30201 ) ) ) ) [647] => Array ( [optionID] => 647 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 163 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 222 [optionID] => 647 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_163 ) ) ) ) [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1U30401 ) ) ) ) [581] => Array ( [optionID] => 581 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 177 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 156 [optionID] => 581 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_177 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1U30501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [649] => Array ( [optionID] => 649 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black/Green [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 224 [optionID] => 649 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black/green ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1U30101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 3262 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Head [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 27 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecke die neuesten Head Ski und Skischuhe im Online Shop von Sport Gardena.
Kaufe bequem online oder besuche uns vor Ort im Geschäft. Erlebe ultimative Performance und Komfort mit Head Ski und Skischuhen.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 12 [supplierID] => 27 [dato_easy_id] => 42 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 839,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 839 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17577 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 839,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 16 [float] => 16.1 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 839 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM1U30101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3262 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3262&number=T4YM1U30101 ) 1
Head Supershape e-Magnum + PRD 12 GW
839,00 € * 1.000,00 € *
Dobermann SLR DC + XCELL14 FDT
Array ( [articleID] => 3226 [articleDetailsID] => 35729 [ordernumber] => T4YM1KD0101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Für Skifahrer, die Slalom-Kurven und kürzere Bögen lieben, präsentiert Nordica den Dobermann SLR DC. Während die interne Konstruktion und die für den GSR verwendeten Technologien unverändert bleiben, haben wir die Geometrien basierend auf den Slalommodellen unserer Weltcup-Athleten neu definiert. Der Dobermann SLR DC zeichnet sich durch eine sehr reaktive Kantenwechsel aus und die neue Platte aus Zink und Aluminium erleichtert die natürliche Verformung des Skis, macht ihn einfach und gleichzeitig unterhaltsam.

Din: 4-14 TCX

Länge / Radius
155 / 11,5
160 / 12,5
165 / 13,0
170 / 14,0

[esd] => [articleName] => Dobermann SLR DC + XCELL14 FDT [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 0 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-10 [update] => 2023-10-17 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 0A3526KB [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 36022 [articleID] => 3226 [articledetailsID] => 35729 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => 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[isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [578] => Array ( [optionID] => 578 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 155 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 153 [optionID] => 578 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_155 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1KD0101 ) ) ) ) [513] => Array ( [optionID] => 513 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 160 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 88 [optionID] => 513 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_160 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1KD0201 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1KD0301 ) ) ) ) [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1KD0401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [912] => Array ( [optionID] => 912 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black/Red [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 486 [optionID] => 912 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black/red ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T4YM1KD0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3226 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Nordica [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 53 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecken Sie hochwertige Ski und Skischuhe der bekannten Marke Nordica im Online Shop von Sport Gardena! Ob Sie online einkaufen oder unser Geschäft vor Ort besuchen, wir garantieren Ihnen fachkundige Beratung und eine herausragende Auswahl. Machen Sie Ihre Skiabenteuer mit unserer qualitativ hochwertigen Ausrüstung und exzellentem Service unvergesslich.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 44 [supplierID] => 53 [dato_easy_id] => 62 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1199,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1199 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17632 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1199,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1199 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T4YM1KD0101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3226 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3226&number=T4YM1KD0101 ) 1
Nordica Dobermann SLR DC + XCELL14 FDT
1.199,00 € *
Dobermann GSR DC + XCELL14 FDT
Array ( [articleID] => 3219 [articleDetailsID] => 35641 [ordernumber] => T1645980101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Die Kurve ist ein Kunstwerk und der Dobermann GSR DC von Nordica ist bereit, ein Meisterwerk zu schnitzen. Mit seiner brandneuen Double Core Konstruktion übermittelt er mehr Leistung und Kontrolle für ein besonders flüssiges und stabiles Skifahren. Der Dobermann GSR DC verfügt auch über eine völlig neue Platte aus Zink und Aluminium, die die Torsionssteifigkeit erhöht, um eine unglaubliche Skiantwort und schnelle Richtungswechsel zu bieten. Ideal für alle, die Riesenslalom-Kurven lieben und auch ohne eine Spur perfekte Linien zeichnen möchten.

Din: 4-14 TCX

Länge / Radius
170 / 17,5
175 / 18,5
180 / 19,5
185 / 20,5

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[attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => 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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1645980101 ) ) ) ) [641] => Array ( [optionID] => 641 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 175 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 216 [optionID] => 641 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_175 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1645980201 ) ) ) ) [642] => Array ( [optionID] => 642 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 180 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 217 [optionID] => 642 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_180 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1645980301 ) ) ) ) [875] => Array ( [optionID] => 875 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 185 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 449 [optionID] => 875 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_185 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1645980401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [912] => Array ( [optionID] => 912 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black/Red [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 486 [optionID] => 912 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black/red ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1645980101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3219 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Nordica [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 53 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecken Sie hochwertige Ski und Skischuhe der bekannten Marke Nordica im Online Shop von Sport Gardena! Ob Sie online einkaufen oder unser Geschäft vor Ort besuchen, wir garantieren Ihnen fachkundige Beratung und eine herausragende Auswahl. Machen Sie Ihre Skiabenteuer mit unserer qualitativ hochwertigen Ausrüstung und exzellentem Service unvergesslich.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 44 [supplierID] => 53 [dato_easy_id] => 62 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1199,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1199 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17634 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1199,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1199 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1645980101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3219 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3219&number=T1645980101 ) 1
Nordica Dobermann GSR DC + XCELL14 FDT
1.199,00 € *
Firebird SRC + XCELL 14 Demo
Array ( [articleID] => 3218 [articleDetailsID] => 35636 [ordernumber] => T1646080501 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach der perfekten Kurve sind und einen Ski suchen, der mit höchster Präzision durch den harten Schnee schneidet, ist der Firebird SRC genau das Richtige für Sie. Entwickelt mit Beiträgen von weltklassigen Slalomfahrern, setzen diese Skier alles auf höchste Performance und Kurven mit engem Radius. Stangen werden nicht gebraucht. Wählen Sie Ihre Linie und lassen Sie die Skier den Rest erledigen. Mit der Carbon C-Spine Technologie, einer Kombination aus Kohlefaser und Pappel- und Eschenplatten, sind sie ultrastabil dank der Kohlefaser und verzeihend dank des Holzes. Ausgestattet mit Carbon Armor, einer Kohlefaserplatte, die Kurven dämpft, um Hüpfen bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten zu unterdrücken. Eine perfekte Mischung aus Präzision und Adrenalin: Machen Sie sich bereit für unvergessliche Abfahrten mit den Firebird SRC.


[esd] => [articleName] => Firebird SRC + XCELL 14 Demo [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-10 [update] => 2023-10-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 8A3325FB [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35929 [articleID] => 3218 [articledetailsID] => 35636 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [578] => Array ( [optionID] => 578 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 155 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 153 [optionID] => 578 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_155 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646080301 ) ) ) ) [513] => Array ( [optionID] => 513 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 160 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 88 [optionID] => 513 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_160 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646080401 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646080501 ) ) ) ) [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646080601 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [600] => Array ( [optionID] => 600 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Orange [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 175 [optionID] => 600 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_orange ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1646080301 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3218 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Blizzard [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 9 [supplierDescription] =>

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Blizzard Ski, in der innovative Technologie und Rennsport-Performance aufeinandertreffen. Kaufen Sie online in unserem Shop und erkunden Sie unsere sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion, oder erleben Sie persönlich in unserem Geschäft höchste Qualität und professionelle Beratung. Ob online kaufen oder vor Ort - Ihr außergewöhnliches Winterabenteuer beginnt mit dem perfekten Ski!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 5 [supplierID] => 9 [dato_easy_id] => 179 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1100,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1100 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17670 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1100,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1100 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1646080501 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3218 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3218&number=T1646080501 ) 1
Blizzard Firebird SRC + XCELL 14 Demo
1.100,00 € *
Redster X9S RVSK S + X 12 GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3210 [articleDetailsID] => 35573 [ordernumber] => T1640010201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Der Atomic Redster X9S Revoshock S nimmt Weltcup-bewährte Technik und packt sie in eine Plattform für Skifahrer, die die Geschwindigkeit und Vielseitigkeit von Atomics Multi Radius Sidecut-Engineering genießen wollen. Der Redster X9S Revoshock S ist bereit, schnelle, kurze Carvings abzufeuern oder wunderschöne Langradius-Kurven auszustrecken. Mit der Revoshock S-Technologie bietet der Redster X9S Revoshock S eine agile, vorhersehbare Fahrt und macht vereiste, frühe Morgen-Corduroy zu einem Vergnügen zum Skifahren. Die duale TI-Laminatschicht verbessert die Gesamtstärke und torsionale Flexibilität, während die Ultrawall-Konstruktion den Kantengriff und die Kraftübertragung einer vollständigen Seitenwand mit der Haltbarkeit und Langlebigkeit einer Kappe verbindet. Der Ultra Power Woodcore, übernommen von Atomics FIS-Rennplattformen, bietet professionelle Stärke, hält die Geschwindigkeit und den Spaß von Anfang bis Ende hoch. 


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Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [913] => Array ( [optionID] => 913 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 167 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 487 [optionID] => 913 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_167 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1640010101 ) ) ) ) [641] => Array ( [optionID] => 641 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 175 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 216 [optionID] => 641 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_175 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1640010201 ) ) ) ) [839] => Array ( [optionID] => 839 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 183 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 413 [optionID] => 839 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_183 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1640010301 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [3112] => Array ( [optionID] => 3112 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Teal Blue [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2674 [optionID] => 3112 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_teal blue ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1640010101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3210 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Atomic [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 25 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecke Atomic Ski und Skischuhe Exklusiv bei Sport Gardena Online.
Bereite dich auf die Piste vor mit den erstklassigen Atomic Ski und Skischuhen – jetzt online entdecken im Sport Gardena Shop! Unser Online-Shop öffnet Ihnen die Tür zu einer Welt, in der erstklassige Performance und Komfort von Atomic auf Ihre Skibedürfnisse treffen. Einkaufen wird zum Kinderspiel: Stöbern Sie durch unsere umfangreiche Auswahl, bestellen Sie mit wenigen Klicks und erleben Sie die erstklassige Qualität von Atomic, geliefert bis an Ihre Tür. Oder besuchen Sie uns persönlich im Geschäft, um die High-End-Ausrüstung hautnah zu erleben und von unserer Expertise zu profitieren. Wo auch immer Ihr Winterabenteuer beginnt – mit Sport Gardena und Atomic sind Sie bestens ausgestattet!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [supplierID] => 25 [dato_easy_id] => 14 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 999,00 [pseudoprice] => 1249,99 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 999 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1249.99 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17666 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 999,00 [pseudoprice] => 1249,99 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 20 [float] => 20.08 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 999 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1249.99 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1640010201 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3210 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3210&number=T1640010201 ) 1
Atomic Redster X9S RVSK S + X 12 GW
999,00 € * 1.249,99 € *
MX75 + K12 PRW GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3206 [articleDetailsID] => 35568 [ordernumber] => T1625750101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Mit einem innovativen Sidecut, dem kohlenstoffverstärkten HOLLOWTECH 3.0 und einer klassischen, renninspirierten Sandwichbauweise, ist der MX75 der dynamischste All-Mountain-Ski in der Kästle MX-Reihe.

Dies ist ein leistungsstarker Pistenski, der gelegentliche Abstecher ins Backcountry mit überragender Dämpfung und Präzision meistert.

Länge / Radius
151 / 11,3
158 / 12,6
165 / 14,0
172 / 15,4
179 / 16,9


[esd] => [articleName] => MX75 + K12 PRW GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-10 [update] => 2023-10-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => SM7522P72B0 [notification] => [ean] => 9009318036931 [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35861 [articleID] => 3206 [articledetailsID] => 35568 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [1196] => Array ( [optionID] => 1196 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 151 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 764 [optionID] => 1196 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_151 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625750101 ) ) ) ) [585] => Array ( [optionID] => 585 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 158 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 160 [optionID] => 585 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_158 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625750201 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625750301 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625750401 ) ) ) ) [602] => Array ( [optionID] => 602 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 179 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 177 [optionID] => 602 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_179 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625750501 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [1292] => Array ( [optionID] => 1292 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => White/Blue [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 860 [optionID] => 1292 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_white/blue ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625750101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3206 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Kästle [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 8 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecken Sie die Präzision und Tradition von Kästle Ski. Seit Generationen ein Synonym für Qualität und Performance. Wählen Sie Ihr perfektes Paar im Online-Shop oder erleben Sie die Beratungsexpertise in unserem Geschäft vor Ort. Kästle - Perfektion auf Schnee.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 15 [supplierID] => 8 [dato_easy_id] => 100000027 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1299,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1299 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17646 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1299,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1299 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1625750101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3206 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3206&number=T1625750101 ) 1
Kästle MX75 + K12 PRW GW
1.299,00 € *
RX12 GS + K12 TRI GW
Array ( [articleID] => 3205 [articleDetailsID] => 35623 [ordernumber] => T1625700101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

er RX12 GS zeichnet sich durch einen renninspirierten Sidecut mit einem lebendigen Finish aus. Dank des speziell für Hochleistungsski neu gestalteten, noch größeren HOLLOWTECH RACE und des hochwertigen Sandwichaufbaus bietet diese Rennwaffe absolute Stabilität und perfekten Grip bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten.

Der RX12 GS ist ideal für Pistenpuristen, die nicht auf präzisen Kantengriff bei großen, langen Carving-Schwüngen verzichten wollen. Die perfekte Wahl für Skifahrer, die einen Race-Carver mit dem Gefühl des Weltcups suchen.

Länge / Radius
168 / 16,2
173 / 17,2
178 / 18,3
183 / 19,5


[esd] => [articleName] => RX12 GS + K12 TRI GW [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-10 [update] => 2023-10-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => SR12G23P73B [notification] => [ean] => 9009318045087 [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35916 [articleID] => 3205 [articledetailsID] => 35623 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [515] => Array ( [optionID] => 515 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 168 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 90 [optionID] => 515 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_168 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625700101 ) ) ) ) [790] => Array ( [optionID] => 790 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 173 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 365 [optionID] => 790 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_173 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625700201 ) ) ) ) [904] => Array ( [optionID] => 904 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 178 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 478 [optionID] => 904 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_178 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625700301 ) ) ) ) [839] => Array ( [optionID] => 839 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 183 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 413 [optionID] => 839 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_183 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625700401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [1308] => Array ( [optionID] => 1308 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black/Turquoise [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 876 [optionID] => 1308 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black/turquoise ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1625700101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3205 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Kästle [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 8 [supplierDescription] =>

Entdecken Sie die Präzision und Tradition von Kästle Ski. Seit Generationen ein Synonym für Qualität und Performance. Wählen Sie Ihr perfektes Paar im Online-Shop oder erleben Sie die Beratungsexpertise in unserem Geschäft vor Ort. Kästle - Perfektion auf Schnee.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 15 [supplierID] => 8 [dato_easy_id] => 100000027 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1299,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1299 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17644 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1299,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1299 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1625700101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3205 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3205&number=T1625700101 ) 1
Kästle RX12 GS + K12 TRI GW
1.299,00 € *
Yellow Original + Plate + Bindung VSP412
Array ( [articleID] => 3201 [articleDetailsID] => 35556 [ordernumber] => T1641290301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Ich bin nicht nur irgendein Slalomski.

Hast Du starke Beine, durchschneiden wir das Eis. Wenn Du ein Weltcupfahrer bist, bringe ich Dich an die Startlinie. Ich kann auch zahm sein, aber ein bisschen Sportlichkeit wäre gut. In den frühen Morgenstunden auf der unberührten Piste zeige ich Dir, was ich kann. Wir werden eine starke Einheit bilden.

Schaufel / Mitte / Ende
124.5  /  69  / 108.5

Länge / Radius
159 / 10,9
165 / 11,7
170 / 12,4
176 / 13,3


[esd] => [articleName] => Yellow Original + Plate + Bindung VSP412 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 2 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-05 [update] => 2023-10-16 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35849 [articleID] => 3201 [articledetailsID] => 35556 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [583] => Array ( [optionID] => 583 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 159 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 158 [optionID] => 583 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_159 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641290101 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641290201 ) ) ) ) [464] => Array ( [optionID] => 464 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 170 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 39 [optionID] => 464 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_170 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641290301 ) ) ) ) [462] => Array ( [optionID] => 462 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 176 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 37 [optionID] => 462 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_176 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641290401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [463] => Array ( [optionID] => 463 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Yellow [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 38 [optionID] => 463 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_yellow ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641290101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3201 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => AK Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 1 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Welt der AK Skier bei Sport Gardena, wo Spitzenqualität auf stilvolles Design trifft. Entdecken Sie unsere ausgewählte Kollektion online und genießen Sie das bequeme Shopping-Erlebnis von zu Hause aus, oder besuchen Sie uns vor Ort, um die erstklassige Verarbeitung und das außergewöhnliche Design unserer Skier hautnah zu erleben. Ob Online-Kauf mit schnellem Versand oder persönliche Beratung vor Ort in unserem Geschäft - Ihr herausragendes Wintersporterlebnis beginnt mit einem AK Ski!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [supplierID] => 1 [dato_easy_id] => 129 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1649,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1649 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17680 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1649,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1649 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1641290301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3201 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3201&number=T1641290301 ) 1
AK Ski Yellow Original + Plate + Bindung VSP412
1.649,00 € *
Orange Original + Plate + Bindung VSP311
Array ( [articleID] => 3200 [articleDetailsID] => 35551 [ordernumber] => T1641240201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Ich bin Deine Sicherheit.

Deine Absicherung für Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit. Ganz gleich, wie schnell Du unterwegs sein möchtest, ich bin dabei. Präzises Carven liegt mir ebenso wie ein sanftes Dahingleiten. Ein paar klassische Schwünge? Kein Problem. Ich bleibe stets gelassen. Immer.

Länge / Radius
158 / 12,3
165 / 13,4
172 / 14,6
179 / 15,8

Schaufel / Mitte / Ende
121 / 73 /107 mm


[esd] => [articleName] => Orange Original + Plate + Bindung VSP311 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-05 [update] => 2023-10-16 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 35844 [articleID] => 3200 [articledetailsID] => 35551 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [601] => Array ( [optionID] => 601 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 157 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 176 [optionID] => 601 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_157 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641240101 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 55 [optionID] => 480 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_165 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641240201 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641240301 ) ) ) ) [602] => Array ( [optionID] => 602 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 179 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 177 [optionID] => 602 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_179 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641240401 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [600] => Array ( [optionID] => 600 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Orange [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 175 [optionID] => 600 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_orange ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1641240101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => [articleID] => 3200 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 1 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => AK Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 1 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Welt der AK Skier bei Sport Gardena, wo Spitzenqualität auf stilvolles Design trifft. Entdecken Sie unsere ausgewählte Kollektion online und genießen Sie das bequeme Shopping-Erlebnis von zu Hause aus, oder besuchen Sie uns vor Ort, um die erstklassige Verarbeitung und das außergewöhnliche Design unserer Skier hautnah zu erleben. Ob Online-Kauf mit schnellem Versand oder persönliche Beratung vor Ort in unserem Geschäft - Ihr herausragendes Wintersporterlebnis beginnt mit einem AK Ski!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [supplierID] => 1 [dato_easy_id] => 129 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1649,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1649 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 17682 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1649,00 [pseudoprice] => 0 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => [has_pseudoprice] => [price_numeric] => 1649 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 0 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1641240201 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3200 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3200&number=T1641240201 ) 1
AK Ski Orange Original + Plate + Bindung VSP311
1.649,00 € *
Array ( [articleID] => 3082 [articleDetailsID] => 34272 [ordernumber] => T1614370102 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Unser BEANIE ist ein Klassiker – fürs Tourengehen genauso geeignet wie für Après-Nächte und alles dazwischen. Diese doppellagige Rippmütze mit umschlagbarer Krempe kannst du auf zwei Arten tragen – als Fold-up Beanie oder lässige Slouch Beanie. Sie besteht zu 50 % aus recyceltem Stoff, hat ein aufgenähtes Logo-Label und ist in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich, passend zu deinem Outfit.

foldable brim, stitched-on logo label

[esd] => [articleName] => Beanie [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 2 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-23 [update] => 2024-09-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => V24BE019 [notification] => [ean] => 9120124672363 [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 34549 [articleID] => 3082 [articledetailsID] => 34272 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 10 [groupname] => Größe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1 [groupID] => 10 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [2343] => Array ( [optionID] => 2343 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => One Size [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1908 [optionID] => 2343 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_one size ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1614370101 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [3023] => Array ( [optionID] => 3023 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Khaki [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2585 [optionID] => 3023 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_khaki ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 16611 [position] => [source] => [description] => V23BE022_Beanie_Khaki [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 1552 [height] => 1552 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) [3024] => Array ( [optionID] => 3024 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Sand [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2586 [optionID] => 3024 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_sand ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1614370102 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 16613 [position] => [source] => [description] => V23BE020_Beanie_Lightsand [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 1552 [height] => 1552 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) [441] => Array ( [optionID] => 441 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 16 [optionID] => 441 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_black ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 16612 [position] => [source] => [description] => V23BE021_Beanie_Black [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 1552 [height] => 1552 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 3082 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Van Deer [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 70 [supplierDescription] =>


Marcel Hirscher, der legendäre österreichische Skirennläufer und Rekordweltmeister, ist nicht nur ein Name im Skisport, sondern auch ein Synonym für höchste Qualität und Leistung auf der Piste. Bei Sport Gardena finden Sie eine umfangreiche Auswahl an Van Deer Ski, welche von Marcel Hirscher persönlich mitentwickelt wurde. Diese Ski bieten nicht nur herausragende Performance, sondern sind auch ein Statement für Ihren unverwechselbaren Stil auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 61 [supplierID] => 70 [dato_easy_id] => 308 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 27,90 [pseudoprice] => 30,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 27.9 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 30 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 16613 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 1552 [height] => 1552 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 8817 [imageID] => 136095 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 27,90 [pseudoprice] => 30,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 27.9 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 30 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1614370102 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3082 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3082&number=T1614370102 ) 1
Van Deer Beanie
27,90 € * 30,00 € *
Eiger Jacket
Array ( [articleID] => 2759 [articleDetailsID] => 39797 [ordernumber] => T1438350202 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Die Eiger Jacke wird in Europa hergestellt und bietet maximale Performance: Daunenkammern für ein optimales Wärmegefühl, eine Wassersäule von 20'000mm, höchste Atmungsaktivität und Full-Way-Stretch über alle Schichten.
Die Woll-Einsätze von unserem italienischen Premium-Lieferanten in Kombination mit den diagonalen Steppungen schaffen einen raffinierten Look.

  • Made in Europe
  • Fullway-Stretch;
  • abnehmbare Kapuze; Kapuzenverstellsystem;
  • wasserdichte YKK Aquaguard VT9-Reißverschlüsse;
  • zwei Innentaschen; Handwärmertaschen; Ticket-Tasche am Ärmel;
  • abnehmbare Schneegamasche;
  • wasserdichte Jacquard-Strickeinsätze

Lining 1: 100% Polyamide
Lining 2: 100% Polyester
Lining 3: 52% Polyester, 42% Polyamide, 5% Elastane, 2% Polypropylene

Padding 1: 100% Polyester
Padding 2: 80% Wool, 20% Polyester

Shell 1: 89% Polyamide, 11% Elastane
Shell 2: 70% Wool, 30% Polyamide
Shell 3: 100% Polyester
Shell 4: 52% Polyester, 42% Polyamide, 5% Elastane, 2% Polypropylene

[esd] => [articleName] => Eiger Jacket [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 2 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2024-09-30 [update] => 2024-09-30 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 221115 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 40155 [articleID] => 2759 [articledetailsID] => 39797 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 1 [digi1_sizetable] => 33 [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 10 [groupname] => Größe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1 [groupID] => 10 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [473] => Array ( [optionID] => 473 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 46 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 48 [optionID] => 473 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_46 ) ) ) ) [474] => Array ( [optionID] => 474 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 48 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 49 [optionID] => 474 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_48 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1438350202 ) ) ) ) [426] => Array ( [optionID] => 426 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 50 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1 [optionID] => 426 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_50 ) ) ) ) [475] => Array ( [optionID] => 475 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 52 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 50 [optionID] => 475 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_52 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1438350402 ) ) ) ) [456] => Array ( [optionID] => 456 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 54 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 31 [optionID] => 456 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_54 ) ) ) ) [428] => Array ( [optionID] => 428 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 56 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3 [optionID] => 428 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_56 ) ) ) ) [477] => Array ( [optionID] => 477 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 58 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 52 [optionID] => 477 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_58 ) ) ) ) [809] => Array ( [optionID] => 809 [groupID] => 10 [optionname] => 60 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 383 [optionID] => 809 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_taglia_60 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [1763] => Array ( [optionID] => 1763 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Blue Supernova [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 1331 [optionID] => 1763 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_blue supernova ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1438350102 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 23455 [position] => [source] => [description] => jpgCARRYOVER-M-221115-EIGER-JACKET-50 [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 830 [height] => 1202 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 2759 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => [dato_price_update] => [digi1_custombuybutton] => [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 1 [digi1_sizetable] => 33 [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Capranea [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 10 [supplierDescription] =>

Die schweizer Skibekleidungsmarke Capranea bietet höchstmögliche Funktionalität und Komfort. Dazu werden nur die besten Materialien, wie von ihren Partner Petratex oder höchstwertige Loden aus Italien verwendet.
Entdecken Sie jetzt die Premium Skibekleidung der Marke Capranea in unserem Online Shop.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 7 [supplierID] => 10 [dato_easy_id] => 22 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 976,50 [pseudoprice] => 1050,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 976.5 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1050 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 23455 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 830 [height] => 1202 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14276 [imageID] => 180428 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 976,50 [pseudoprice] => 1050,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 976.5 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1050 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1438350202 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2759 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2759&number=T1438350202 ) 1
Capranea Eiger Jacket
976,50 € * 1.050,00 € *
Hero Elite ST TI K + NX12
Array ( [articleID] => 2726 [articleDetailsID] => 29187 [ordernumber] => T1453920201 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Für Rennsportbegeisterte entwickelt, ist der HERO ELITE ST TI ein vom Slalom inspirierter Rennski, der für technische Pistenskifahrer konzipiert wurde, die schnelle und agile Slalom-Drehungen suchen. Unsere im Rennsport getestete Line Control Technology (LCT) kombiniert mit einer schmaleren Mitte von 68mm und einem Kurvenradius für kurze Schwünge sorgt für optimierte Geschwindigkeit von Kante zu Kante, Präzision und Kraft. Die LCT-Technologie verhindert ein Gegenbiegen und bietet maximale Stabilität und optimierte Kurvenverläufe, um die eigenen Linien mit vollem Kontrolle zu ziehen.

Länge / Radius
157 / 11,0
162 / 12,0
167 / 13,0
172 / 14,0


[esd] => [articleName] => Hero Elite ST TI K + NX12 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2023-10-11 [update] => 2023-10-24 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 23 [float] => 23.1 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => RRLPH02 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 29336 [articleID] => 2726 [articledetailsID] => 29187 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [601] => Array ( [optionID] => 601 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 157 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 176 [optionID] => 601 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_157 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1453920201 ) ) ) ) [784] => Array ( [optionID] => 784 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 162 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 359 [optionID] => 784 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_162 ) ) ) ) [913] => Array ( [optionID] => 913 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 167 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 487 [optionID] => 913 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_167 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1453920401 ) ) ) ) [520] => Array ( [optionID] => 520 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 172 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 95 [optionID] => 520 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_172 ) ) ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [groupID] => 11 [groupname] => Farbe [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 2 [groupID] => 11 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore [dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [579] => Array ( [optionID] => 579 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Red/Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 154 [optionID] => 579 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_red/black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1453920201 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 2726 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Rossignol [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 41 [supplierDescription] =>

Tauchen Sie in die Welt des Wintersports mit der erstklassigen Ski- und Skischuhkollektion von Rossignol ein. Ob Sie online einkaufen oder eine persönliche Beratung im Geschäft vor Ort bevorzugen, Rossignol garantiert unübertroffene Qualität und Performance für jedes Abenteuer auf der Piste.

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 31 [supplierID] => 41 [dato_easy_id] => 72 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 769,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 769 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 13449 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 5939 [imageID] => 108838 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 769,00 [pseudoprice] => 1000,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 23 [float] => 23.1 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 769 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1000 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1453920201 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2726 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2726&number=T1453920201 ) 1
Rossignol Hero Elite ST TI K + NX12
769,00 € * 1.000,00 € *
Laser SL + SRT Speed + SRT12
Array ( [articleID] => 2309 [articleDetailsID] => 24605 [ordernumber] => T3B2R5B0301 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Seine Vorlieben: kurze, schnelle Schwünge. Seine Stärken: sportlich, agil und griffig. Sein Markenzeichen: ein Slalomprofi durch und durch. Durch die Flex-Torsion-Control-Technologie kannst du mit dem Laser SL jederzeit super einfach in die Kurve einlenken. Gleichzeitig verlierst du nie die Kontrolle beim Schwungwechsel. Hinterlasse mit dem Laser SL auf der Piste deine Spuren. Gestochen scharf und blitzsauber.


[esd] => [articleName] => Laser SL + SRT Speed + SRT12 [taxID] => 1 [tax] => 22 [instock] => 1 [isAvailable] => 1 [hasAvailableVariant] => 1 [weight] => 16 [shippingtime] => [pricegroupActive] => [pricegroupID] => [length] => 0 [height] => 0 [width] => 0 [laststock] => 1 [additionaltext] => [datum] => 2022-09-05 [update] => 2023-09-20 [sales] => 0 [filtergroupID] => [priceStartingFrom] => [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.32 ) [sVariantArticle] => [sConfigurator] => 1 [metaTitle] => [shippingfree] => [suppliernumber] => 41010323-20 [notification] => [ean] => [keywords] => [sReleasedate] => [template] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 24688 [articleID] => 2309 [articledetailsID] => 24605 [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [isNew:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [comingSoon:protected] => [storage:protected] => Array ( ) ) [kib_variant_listing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [kib_configurator] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [groupID] => 13 [groupname] => Länge [groupdescription] => [selected_value] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4 [groupID] => 13 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza [dato_is_color_group] => 0 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [576] => Array ( [optionID] => 576 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 150 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 151 [optionID] => 576 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_150 ) ) ) ) [578] => Array ( [optionID] => 578 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 155 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 153 [optionID] => 578 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_155 ) ) ) ) [513] => Array ( [optionID] => 513 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 160 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 88 [optionID] => 513 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lunghezza_160 ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T3B2R5B0301 ) ) ) ) [480] => Array ( [optionID] => 480 [groupID] => 13 [optionname] => 165 [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => 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[dato_is_color_group] => 1 ) ) ) [values] => Array ( [910] => Array ( [optionID] => 910 [groupID] => 11 [optionname] => Blue/Black [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 484 [optionID] => 910 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_colore_blue/black ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T3B2R5B0101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 2309 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Stöckli Ski [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 51 [supplierDescription] =>

Erleben Sie die Handwerkskunst von Stöckli Ski, einem schweizerischen Hersteller von Skis der Spitzenklasse. Bekannt für seine schweizerische Präzision und Qualität steht Stöckli Ski für Exzellenz auf der Piste. Entdecken Sie das Stöckli Ski Sortiment bei Sport Gardena, online und vor Ort verfügbar.


[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 42 [supplierID] => 51 [dato_easy_id] => 100000016 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1469,00 [pseudoprice] => 1638,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1469 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1638 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 11226 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => 1 [parentId] => [width] => 800 [height] => 800 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 4249 [imageID] => 91852 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 1469,00 [pseudoprice] => 1638,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 10 [float] => 10.32 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 1469 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 1638 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T3B2R5B0301 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2309 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=2309&number=T3B2R5B0301 ) 1
Stöckli Ski Laser SL + SRT Speed + SRT12
1.469,00 € * 1.638,00 € *
Line Miner PRO M - 2 Lens
Array ( [articleID] => 3980 [articleDetailsID] => 43217 [ordernumber] => T1791870101 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Oakley Line Miner Pro M – Fortschrittliche Technologie und grenzenloser Durchblick

Die Oakley Line Miner Pro M setzt neue Maßstäbe in der Skibrillen-Technologie und kombiniert modernste Innovation, hohen Tragekomfort und erstklassige Leistung. Mit einem um 20 % erweiterten Sichtfeld im Vergleich zum Line Miner-Modell bietet diese Brille eine gestochen scharfe Sicht dank der neuen Single-Layer-Linse, die Verzerrungen, Reflexionen und Lichtbrechungen deutlich reduziert.

Dank des Switchlock-Systems mit 6 Magneten und mechanischen Verriegelungen ermöglicht die Line Miner Pro M einen schnellen und sicheren Linsenwechsel, sodass du dich problemlos an wechselnde Lichtverhältnisse anpassen kannst. Im Lieferumfang sind zwei Linsen enthalten, die eine optimale Sicht bei jeder Wetterlage garantieren.


  • Prizm™-Technologie verfügbar: Optimiert Kontraste und Details für eine perfekte Sicht bei allen Lichtverhältnissen.
  • Mittlere Passform: Ideal für hohen Tragekomfort und eine präzise Passform.
  • Single-Layer-Linse: Reduziert Verzerrungen, Reflexionen und Lichtbrechungen für klare und scharfe Sicht.
  • Nachhaltiges Design:
    • Rahmen aus Bio-Resin für eine umweltfreundlichere Produktion.
    • Brillenband und Microbag aus recyceltem Polyester.
  • Switchlock-Technologie: 6 Magneten und mechanische Verriegelungen für einen schnellen und sicheren Linsenwechsel.
  • Kompatibilität mit Brillen: Spezielle Einkerbungen ermöglichen die Nutzung mit Korrektionsbrillen.
  • O Matter®-Rahmen: Flexibel und bequem, selbst bei extrem kalten Temperaturen.
  • Dreilagiger Schaumstoff: Fleece-Innenfutter absorbiert Schweiß und sorgt den ganzen Tag für optimalen Komfort.
  • UV-Schutz: Plutonite®-Linsen blockieren 100 % der UVA-, UVB- und UVC-Strahlen sowie schädliches blaues Licht bis 400 nm.
  • Stoßfestigkeit: Entspricht den Standards ANSI Z87.1, EN 174 und ISO 18527-1:2022.
  • Helmkompatibilität: Flaches Design für eine perfekte Integration mit dem Helm.
  • Inklusive Oakley-Schutzetui für eine lange Lebensdauer der Brille.

Die Oakley Line Miner Pro M ist die perfekte Wahl für anspruchsvolle Skifahrer: Modernste Technologie, Nachhaltigkeit und ein erweitertes Sichtfeld sorgen dafür, dass du jede Abfahrt bei jeder Wetterlage perfekt im Blick behältst.

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[attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => ) ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( 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[retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) [3705] => Array ( [optionID] => 3705 [groupID] => 36 [optionname] => Matte White [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3268 [optionID] => 3705 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_frame_matte white ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1791870111 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 24575 [position] => [source] => [description] => 0OO7137__713707_030A [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 4600 [height] => 2300 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) 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[dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lens_prizm arg+iced ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1791870301 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 24578 [position] => [source] => [description] => 0OO7137__713704_030A [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 4600 [height] => 2300 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) [3733] => Array ( [optionID] => 3733 [groupID] => 35 [optionname] => Prizm Rgold+iced [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3296 [optionID] => 3733 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lens_prizm rgold+iced ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 24574 [position] => [source] => [description] => 0OO7137__713705_030A [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 3000 [height] => 1519 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) [3727] => Array ( [optionID] => 3727 [groupID] => 35 [optionname] => Prizm Sap+iced [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3290 [optionID] => 3727 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lens_prizm sap+iced ) ) [kib_configurator_ordernumbers] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [option_ordernumber] => T1791870111 ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 24575 [position] => [source] => [description] => 0OO7137__713707_030A [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 4600 [height] => 2300 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) [3729] => Array ( [optionID] => 3729 [groupID] => 35 [optionname] => Prizm Tor+iced [user_selected] => [selected] => [selectable] => [attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 3292 [optionID] => 3729 [dato_easy_identifier] => EasyRent_lens_prizm tor+iced ) ) ) [media] => Array ( [id] => 24577 [position] => [source] => [description] => 0OO7137__713703_030A [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 4600 [height] => 2300 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [attribute] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ( [instock] => 1 [articleID] => 3980 [type] => 2 [template] => article_config_picture.tpl ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ) ) ) ) [allowBuyInListing] => [attr1] => [attr2] => [attr3] => [attr4] => [attr5] => [attr6] => [attr7] => [attr8] => [attr9] => [attr10] => [attr11] => [attr12] => [attr13] => [attr14] => [attr15] => [attr16] => [attr17] => [attr18] => [attr19] => [attr20] => [dato_title_update] => 0 [dato_price_update] => 0 [digi1_custombuybutton] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttontxt] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlinking] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlinkingtarget] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlink] => [digi1_custombuybuttonemail] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonsubject] => [digi1_custombuybuttonbody] => [digi1_openform] => [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststock] => 0 [lenz_delivery_date] => [dato_set] => [dato_unisex] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonlaststockerrormessage] => 0 [digi1_custombuybuttonshowcustomtxt] => 0 [kib_variantlisting_img] => [pix_size_table] => [pix_size_table_grade] => [digi1_hassizetable] => 0 [digi1_sizetable] => [swkwe_show_soldout] => 0 [swkwe_category_show_soldout] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_deactivate] => 0 [pdwe_basket_button_info_headline] => [pdwe_basket_button_info_text] => [proxa_fb_feed_google_category] => [supplierName] => Oakley [supplierImg] => [supplierID] => 82 [supplierDescription] =>

Oakley – Innovation, Stil und Performance seit über 10 Jahren bei Sport Gardena

Seit über 10 Jahren ist Sport Gardena stolz darauf, seinen Kunden die hochwertigen Produkte von Oakley anzubieten. Unsere Auswahl umfasst ein breites Sortiment an Skibrillen, Helmen und Sonnenbrillen, die perfekt für jede sportliche Aktivität oder den Alltag geeignet sind.

Jedes Oakley-Produkt wird mit modernster Technologie entwickelt, um maximalen Schutz, Komfort und unverkennbaren Stil zu gewährleisten. Dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrung können wir dich professionell beraten und dir helfen, das ideale Produkt für deine Bedürfnisse zu finden.

Vertraue auf Oakley und Sport Gardena für eine unvergleichliche Kombination aus Leistung und Stil!

[supplier_attributes] => Array ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 79 [supplierID] => 82 [dato_easy_id] => 131 [hidden_in_subshop] => [is_highlighted] => 0 [alternative_url] => ) ) ) [newArticle] => [sUpcoming] => [topseller] => [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 279,00 [pseudoprice] => 300,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 279 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 300 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) [image] => Array ( [id] => 24576 [position] => [source] => [description] => [extension] => jpg [main] => [parentId] => [width] => 4600 [height] => 2300 [thumbnails] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 200 [maxHeight] => 200 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 600 [maxHeight] => 600 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [source] => [retinaSource] => [sourceSet] =>, 2x [maxWidth] => 1280 [maxHeight] => 1280 [attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [attributes] => Array ( [image] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( [storage:protected] => Array ( [id] => 14697 [imageID] => 184481 [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) ) [attribute] => Array ( [attribute1] => [attribute2] => [attribute3] => [kib_variantlisting_prop_img_mapping] => ) ) [prices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [valFrom] => 1 [valTo] => [from] => 1 [to] => [price] => 279,00 [pseudoprice] => 300,00 [referenceprice] => 0 [pseudopricePercent] => Array ( [int] => 7 [float] => 7 ) [has_pseudoprice] => 1 [price_numeric] => 279 [pseudoprice_numeric] => 300 [price_attributes] => Array ( ) [pricegroup] => EK [minpurchase] => 1 [maxpurchase] => 1 [purchasesteps] => 1 [purchaseunit] => [referenceunit] => [packunit] => [unitID] => [sUnit] => Array ( [unit] => [description] => ) [unit_attributes] => Array ( ) ) ) [linkBasket] => shopware.php?sViewport=basket&sAdd=T1791870101 [linkDetails] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3980 [linkVariant] => shopware.php?sViewport=detail&sArticle=3980&number=T1791870101 ) 1
Oakley Line Miner PRO M - 2 Lens
279,00 € * 300,00 € *
Downhill 2100 CV
Array ( [articleID] => 3966 [articleDetailsID] => 43080 [ordernumber] => T1307800104 [highlight] => [description] => [description_long] =>

Alles im Blick, egal wo und wann, mit der uvex downhill 2100 CV. Diese Skibrille setzt die Erfolgsgeschichte der uvex downhill 2000 Serie fort und kombiniert modernes Design mit innovativen Technologien für ein unvergleichliches visuelles Erlebnis. Die uvex supravision® Anti-Beschlag-Beschichtung sorgt für ein beschlagfreies, erweitertes Sichtfeld, während die uvex colorvision® Technologie Farben und Kontraste für maximale Klarheit auf und abseits der Piste optimiert.

Mit schmalem Rahmen, extra breitem Sichtfeld und sphärischer Scheibe überzeugt die uvex downhill 2100 CV nicht nur auf der Piste, sondern bringt auch Stil in Pulverschnee und Park. Verbesserte Passform, besonders im Nasenbereich, sowie verzerrungsfreie und beschlagfreie Optik machen sie zur ersten Wahl für Wintersportler.


  • Lichtdurchlässigkeit: 19-43% (Filterkategorie 2).
  • Verbesserte Farb- und Kontrastwahrnehmung dank uvex colorvision®.
  • Beschlagfreie Panorama-Sicht mit uvex supravision®.
  • Verzerrungsfreie Optik durch eingespritzte, dezentrale Scheiben.

Technologien inklusive:

  • supravision®: Klare, beschlagfreie Sicht.
  • colorvision®: Verbesserter Kontrast und Farbintensität.

Technische Details:

  • Artikelnummer: S5503921030
  • Gewicht: 110 g
  • Einsatzbereich: Skifahren, Snowboarden, Skitouren, Langlauf.
  • Zertifizierungen: EN 174:2001, EN ISO 18527-1:2022
  • Scheibenfarbe: Spiegelblau
  • Wetterbedingungen: Bewölkt, bedeckt
  • Filterkategorie: S2
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UVEX – Innovation und Qualität seit über 10 Jahren bei Sport Gardena

Made in uvex – made2perform: innovativ, sicher und nachhaltig. Seit fast 100 Jahren steht uvex für herausragende Ingenieurskunst, maximalen Schutz und stilvolles Design. Jedes Produkt wird mit höchster Präzision entwickelt, von strengen Labortests geprüft und von Profi-Athleten getestet – für beste Performance und höchste Sicherheit.

Bei Sport Gardena verkaufen wir seit über 10 Jahren uvex-Produkte und stehen hinter deren Qualität. Dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrung können wir Sie umfassend beraten und das perfekte Produkt für Ihre Bedürfnisse empfehlen – ob Helm, Brille oder Schutzausrüstung.

Vertrauen Sie auf Uvex und unsere Expertise – für Sicherheit, Innovation und Stil auf höchstem Niveau.

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Uvex Downhill 2100 CV
120,81 € * 129,90 € *
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